Data Specifications

Data Specifications


August 13, 2024

OASIS V3.01.2 Errata

Errata V3.01.2 for the forthcoming version of OASIS-E1 (V3.01.1) is now available in the Downloads section below. Two issues have been identified, resulting in the deletion of edit -3640 and the addition of edits -7030 and -7040.  These changes will be applied in the January 1, 2025 release. 

July 11, 2024

OASIS Data Submission Specifications V3.01.1

The Outcome and Assessment Information Set Version E1 (OASIS-E1) Data Submission Specifications Version 3.01.1 are now available in the Downloads section below. This FINAL version applies to the OASIS-E1 item set, which is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 2025. Please note that the dash has been added as an allowed value for new item O0350. Also note that the active timepoints for O0350 have been revised to include only 06, 07, 08, and 09. Review the OASIS-E1 Guidance manual for additional information and the Item Change and Edit Change reports within the data specifications.

March 7, 2024

OASIS Data Specifications V3.01.0

The Outcome and Assessment Information Set Version E1 (OASIS-E1) Data Submission Specifications Version 3.01.0 are now available in the Downloads section below. This DRAFT version applies to the OASIS-E1 item set, which is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 2025. Note that the Section GG Goal items, as well as items M0110 and M2200, will be removed. Also, a new COVID-19 item, O0350, will be added. Review the OASIS-E1 Guidance manual for additional information and the Item Change and Edit Change reports within the data specifications.

August 25, 2022

OASIS V3.00.2 Errata

Errata V3.00.2 for the forthcoming version of OASIS (V3.00.1) is now available in the Downloads section below. Seven issues have been identified. These changes will be applied in the January 1, 2023 release. Please note the addition of subedit c to edit -6020, which addresses the handling of the dash [-] in the N0415 items. Also, note that the dash has been removed as an allowed value for items D0160 and A1110B.

July 6, 2022

OASIS Data Specifications V3.00.1

The Outcome and Assessment Information Set Version E (OASIS-E) Data Submission Specifications Version 3.00.1 are now available in the Downloads section below. This FINAL version applies to the OASIS-E item set, which is scheduled for implementation on January 1, 2023. There have been significant revisions to the edits for items in Sections A, D, and N. Also, several items in Section A (as well as one item in Section B and one item in Section D) now have a new response option: patient declines to respond. Review the OASIS-E Guidance manual for additional information and the Item Change and Edit Change reports within the data specifications.

Home Health Quality Reporting Archives

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:23 PM