Speaking engagement criteria

Speaking engagement criteria

Interested in having us speak about the Quality Payment Program at one of your events? You are invited to ask CMS representatives to speak about the Quality Payment Program, including the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (APMs) at your upcoming events. Please fill out the Quality Payment Program Speaking Request Form (PDF) and email it at least six weeks, but no more than six months, before your event.

We’ll send back any forms that aren’t completely filled out. We’ll only process completed forms that are sent to the MACRA speaking engagement email address above.

All communication from us, for both approvals and denials, will be directed to the point of contact listed on the CMS Quality Payment Program Speaking Request Form.

Please note: Submitting a CMS Quality Payment Program Speaking Request Form doesn’t guarantee that a CMS representative will attend the upcoming event. We encourage you to go to our website to get the latest materials and sign up for our Quality Payment Program listserv.


Here’s the information from your form that helps us decide if we can speak to your group:

Who you are:

We need to know that your organization relates to our work.

What you’d like us to talk about:

What we talk about with your group should relate to MACRA, MIPS and APMs.

Where you’d like us to speak:  

We can speak to your group virtually, by phone and/or in person. In your request, please let us know which way you’d prefer. If we can’t honor your preference, we’ll offer an alternative.  

When you’d like us to be there:

We need your request at least three weeks, but not more than three months, before you’d like us to speak with your group. This gives us enough time to make sure we can send CMS representatives and develop presentation materials.

What we can present:

We’ll send you our presentation materials two to three business days before we’re speaking to your group. If we’re presenting in-person or on a conference call, we’ll send a PDF. If we’re presenting via a webinar, we’ll send a PowerPoint file.  

If you need presentation materials to share more widely, for example online or to your group’s membership, we’ll send a PDF.  

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:21 PM