What's Covered

What's Covered

Why is health insurance important for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs)? Whether someone is suffering from a long-term illness, wants to prevent illness, or has to seek emergency care, health insurance can help keep focus on the person in need, rather than on the cost of the services needed. With the resources on this page, find out what is covered, what is considered preventive care, and what benefits are available specifically for AI/ANs.

PSAs, Ads, and Radio Spots

Public service announcements (PSAs) and radio spots provide more information on the ACA and how it benefits tribal communities. PSAs and radio spots are available in English and 10 Native languages on the Outreach & Education Native Language PSA Archive.

Newsletter – Covering Indian Country

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Keep up with the latest ACA news and outreach tools.

See past issues of the newsletter.


Health Matters to Mothers Video thumbnail of Umatilla Tribe champion jingle dress dancer Acosia Red Elk

Umatilla Tribe champion jingle dress dancer Acosia Red Elk discusses the importance of health insurance to mothers like her who are looking for coverage for women's health issues like prenatal care, mental health, and mammograms. (2:07)

Health Matters to Athletes Video thumbnail of Cherokee track and field star Jamie Loy

Cherokee track and field star Jamie Loy discusses how health insurance provides coverage if athletes are injured. (2:00)

Health Matters to Storyteller Gene Tagaban Video thumbnail of American Indians and Alaska Natives. Tlingit/Cherokee storyteller Gene Tagaban

Health care matters to American Indians and Alaska Natives. Tlingit/Cherokee storyteller Gene Tagaban discusses the prevalence of diabetes in his clan and the importance of carrying positive, healthy messages—like getting health insurance—to youth. (2:15)

Order Materials

Visit the CMS tribal resource ordering page to order resources for your community directly from the CMS warehouse. The resource list is updated monthly as more products are added. Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be completed.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM