Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Chartbooks

Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Chartbooks


The Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) Chartbooks are research tools and reference guides on Medicaid enrollees and their Medicaid experience in 2002, 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013. Developed for state Medicaid directors, policymakers, researchers, and others interested in the Medicaid program, the chartbooks consist of illustrative graphs, descriptive text, and an extensive data appendix with summary national- and state-level information on enrollee demographic and eligibility characteristics, Medicaid service use, and Medicaid expenditures. The chartbooks summarize the Medicaid program and the MAX data system. They also present figures and tables that reflect the Medicaid population.  For each of the chartbooks, Chapter 2 profiles Medicaid enrollees and their Medicaid experience nationally, Chapter 3 presents state-level detail, and Chapters 4 through 6 provide supplementary information on special topic areas, including managed care, dual Medicare/Medicaid enrollees, and service use and expenditures by detailed type of service. An appendix contains source data tables for Chapters 3 through 6.  We added Chapter 7 on Medicaid waiver enrollment and utilization to the chartbooks starting with 2008.

There is also a chartbook for MAX 2008 with a focus on patient “encounter” records for services delivered through prepaid managed care plans.  This chartbook describes the service use of Medicaid enrollees in managed care plans in MAX 2008 data. The chartbook extends the analysis of the other MAX chartbooks, which focused on the service utilization of Medicaid enrollees covered on a fee-for-service basis. This chartbook also supplemented issue briefs focusing on the quality and completeness of encounter data. It provides valuable information for CMS and researchers on the availability of and uses for encounter data in MAX data.

The MAX Chartbooks (in PDF format) and their associated appendix tables (as zipped Excel files) are available here: 

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09/10/2024 06:06 PM