Arabic | ةیبرعلا
Coverage to Care - Consumer Resources
Roadmap to Better Care | خارطة الطريق إلى رعاية أفضل (PDF)
This roadmap explains what health coverage is and how to use it to get primary care and preventive services so that you and your family live long, healthy lives.
Prevention Resources - Preventive Services Flyer
Adults | البالغون (PDF)
Use this flyer to take advantage of services available at no cost to adults under most health coverage.
Prevention Resources - Put Your Health First Infographic
Diabetes Resources for People on Medicare
Managing Diabetes: Coverage & Resources | التحكم في داء السكري: التغطية & الموارد (PDF)
This fact sheet includes tips to help patients manage diabetes as well as information on cost-saving programs and Medicare coverage of medications, testing, and supplies.