LTSS and Dementia

LTSS and Dementia

LTSS and Dementia

As the number of older adults in Indian Country increases, the need to provide culturally appropriate long-term care to people living with dementia is growing.


Dementia refers to a variety of conditions that affect brain function, memory, and thinking skills. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. The confusion that often accompanies dementia can present unique challenges for caregivers of those with dementia.

Learn more about LTSS and dementia:

Cognitive assessments in Indian Country

Understanding cognitive function is important to providing appropriate care to elders who may be experiencing cognitive decline. To assess cognitive function in the context of diverse tribal cultures and disparities faced by American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs), there is a need for culturally appropriate tools. Some cognitive assessment tools show promise for possible adaptation for use in Indian Country.

Learn more about existing assessment tools:



These videos showcase the efforts of the International Association for Indigenous Aging (IA2) around Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.

Overview of Work by IA2

Time: 1:41

Dave Baldridge with IA2 logo in background

Hear how IA2 addresses the need for culturally appropriate resources on the topic of dementia.

Early Signs of Dementia

Time: 1:47

Kitchen scenario from the Dementia Friends Rooms Experience

Learn about resources that IA2 offers to help people recognize the early signs of dementia.

Caregiving Challenges

Time: 1:15

Breana Dorame with screenshot from the video I Can't Remember: A Native Family's Story of Dementia

Hear about some of the challenges that come with providing care for a loved one who has dementia.  

Safer Communities for People with Dementia

Time: 2:21

Breana Dorame with image of two articles about wandering

Hear about work on the Wandering Project with the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe in northern Nevada.

Dementia-Friendly Communities

Time: 1:18

Person holding tablet with information about Dementia Friends program for American Indian and Alaska Native communities

Learn about efforts to educate communities about what dementia is and how it affects people.

Tribal Laws & Policies Related to Dementia

Time: 1:16

Molita Yazzie with screenshot from IA2's dementia-specific Tribal Resolution Toolkit webpage

Hear about resources that IA2 offers to spur creation of dementia-specific tribal laws, plans, and policies.

Healthy Cognitive Aging

Time: 1:09

Breana Dorame with screenshot of Healthy Heart, Healthy Brain fliers

Hear about resources that IA2 provides to promote healthy cognitive aging across Indian Country.




In the following infographics, see tips for caregivers providing LTSS to those with dementia:




Page Last Modified:
02/07/2025 01:09 PM