MMS Listserv

MMS Listserv

Stay informed about the latest information about the Measures Management System by subscribing to the MMS Newsletter.

Welcome to the MMS Community ListServ! Subscribers to this ListServ will receive periodic e-mail newsletters containing updates to Technical Expert Panels and Public Comments periods. Each newsletter will contain a new summary of a select MMS process area and/or technical development, including any updates to the MMS Blueprint. Updates are sent monthly and more frequently when time-sensitive document(s) are posted.

We encourage you to let others know about the CMS Measures Management System, and to share its messages. Subscribe to Measures Management System Listserv to be included in future communications and updates.

Important: Ensure your email client will receive the monthly newsletter by adding the domain “” to your safe senders list. Please see the help documentation for your email program for the specific steps you will need to follow.

Please see below for previous newsletters.

Previous Newsletters:

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:01 PM