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Medicare HETS 270/271 – Information Bulletin – May 9, 2016
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HETS 270/271

Medicare HETS 270/271 Submitters:

This email contains important information regarding the upcoming HETS 270/271 R2016Q300 Submitter migration, annual Trading Partner Agreement recertification, and HETS Submitter/NPI relationship maintenance requirements.  Please be sure to read the entire email.

1.Submitter migration from the current HETS (legacy) system to the upcoming HETS R2016Q300 release is scheduled for the third quarter of 2016. Your organization will be contacted approximately 6 weeks before your scheduled migration date. Submitters should be preparing for the upcoming R2016Q300 release by reviewing the linked documents below.  Submitters also must be prepared to redirect your HETS requests to a different destination IP address or URL (depending on connectivity type).  Submitters should continue to prepare for this upcoming migration.

HETS R2016Q300 Release Summary: /Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/HETSHelp/Downloads/R2016Q300HETS270271ReleaseSummary.pdf (PDF)

HETS Companion Guide effective with the R2016Q300 Release: /Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/HETSHelp/Downloads/HETS270271CompanionGuideUpcoming.pdf (PDF)

HETS R2016Q300 270 Inquiry Example: /Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/HETSHelp/Downloads/5010270InquiryExampleUpcoming.pdf (PDF)

HETS R2016Q300 271 Response Example: /Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/HETSHelp/Downloads/5010271ResponseExampleUpcoming.pdf (PDF)

2. CMS also requires that all HETS Submitters deactivate any Submitter ID/NPI relationships that are no longer valid and active for your organization.  Submitters should complete this action via the HETS Provider GUI (HPG) by July 1, 2016.  Refer to the HPG User Guide (linked below) for relationship termination instructions.  Submitter should notify MCARE when these efforts are complete but again, no later than July 1, 2016.  

HPG User Guide:

3. CMS reminds Submitters that all active HETS 270/271 Submitters are required to update the HETS 270/271 Trading Partner Agreement (TPA) on an annual basis.  The annual TPA recertification process will begin soon but CMS reminds all Submitters that they are required to submit an updated TPA anytime that staffing or business changes render the previous version invalid.  The HETS TPA form is available via the link below.

HETS TPA: http://cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/CMS-Information-Technology/HETSHelp/Downloads/HETS_Trading_Partner_Agreement_Form.pdf

Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions.