Data Specifications Version 1.30 October 2005 Release
A draft version of the Data Specifications Version 1.30 was previously made available on 3/10/2005. The current final specifications are available as of 3/17/2005. The final specifications contain a few corrections of errors that were present in the draft specifications. These corrections are: (1) in the data record, the length of CNT FILLER was corrected from 1 in the draft specifications to 11 in the final specifications and (2) in the data record, the statuses by record type for the new Section W items were inactive for all record types in the draft specifications and these statuses have been corrected in the final specifications.
The only changes with Version 1.30 of the MDS Data Specifications involve adding a new MDS Section, Section W: Supplemental MDS Items. There are 5 items in Section W:.
- W1. National Provider ID -- a voluntary item that is active on the header record and all MDS data records.
- W2a. Influenza vaccine received or not -- required on assessment and discharge data records relevant to the influenza season.
- W2b. Reason influenza vaccine not received -- required on assessment and discharge data records relevant to the influenza season.
- W3a. Pneumococcal vaccine (PPV) status (received or not) -- required on assessment and discharge data records for residents 65 years old and older.
- W3b. Reason PPV not received -- required on assessment and discharge data records for residents 65 years old and older.
Section W is contained on a supplemental MDS page that will be made available in the near future.
Item W1 (national provider ID) is being added to the header record at the beginning of the blank filler area (HDR FL) in the record. In the header record, the national provider ID is named N PROV ID and starts at position 577. All five Section W items (named W1, W2a, W2b, W3a, and W3b) are being added to the data record at the beginning of the blank filler area previously in Section V starting at position 1626. Previously, this blank filler area consisted of 44 single character filler items reserved for future RAP triggers. The first 14 characters of this area have been devoted to the five new Section W and the remaining 30 characters have been consolidated into a single filler entry. Note that the Section V dates (VB2 and VB4) now follow after this consolidated 30-character filler area.
The only other change with version 1.30 is to revise the item for the MDS Data Specs Version used (VCODE2 at position 42) to include version 1.30 as a valid version number and to produce a warning if version 1.30 is not used.
There are two download files available with correction 1 to Version 1.30
The first is a compressed ZIP file containing 11 documents. The 11 components of this file are:
- ch120_130.pdf, a document summarizing the data specifications changes from Version 1.20 to Version 1.30 (2 pages).
- d_dt130.pdf, the detailed data specifications for the MDS Data Record with Version 1.30 (243 pages).
- d_sm130.pdf, the abbreviated (summarized) data specifications for the MDS Data Record with Version 1.30 (35 pages).
- h_dt130.pdf, the detailed data specifications for the MDS Header Record with Version 1.30 (7 pages).
- h_sm130.pdf, the abbreviated (summarized) data specifications for the MDS Header Record with Version 1.30 (2 pages).
- t_dt130.pdf, the detailed data specifications for the MDS Trailer Record with Version 1.30 (1 page).
- t_sm130.pdf, the abbreviated (summarized) data specifications for the MDS Trailer Record with Version 1.30 (1 page).
- mds_d130.xls, a Microsoft Excel worksheet (97-2000 & 5.0/95 version) with abbreviated Version 1.30 field by field layout information for all fields in the Data Record Layout.
- mds_h130.xls, a Microsoft Excel worksheet (97-2000 & 5.0/95 version) with abbreviated Version 1.30 field by field layout information for all fields in the Header Record Layout.
- mds_t130.xls, a Microsoft Excel worksheet (97-2000 & 5.0/95 version) with abbreviated Version 1.30 field by field layout information for all fields in the Trailer Record Layout.
- spdoc_110.pdf, general documentation concerning MDS 2.0 correction policy, record locking, submission files and submission timing, record layouts, item names, record types, date consistency, and record sequencing and timing. Note: This document has not been updated since version 1.10 (45 pages).
The second is a compressed ZIP file containing the Microsoft Access database named MDS130.mdb, the database used to generate the detailed and abbreviated data specifications for the Header, Data and Trailer records for Version 1.30.
Data Specifications Version 1.30 11 files (ZIP 2MB) (ZIP) -
Data Specifications Version 1.30 Database (ZIP 246KB) (ZIP)