MAO IPM Resources

MAO IPM Resources

Welcome to the Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO) Improper Payment Measurement (IPM) resource page.  This page was developed to help MAOs better understand the Part C IPM program and medical record submission process.

MAOs participating in the Part C IPM process are required to submit medical record supporting documentation to validate the risk adjustment data used for payment calculation.  Discrepancies result when CMS determines that the medical record documentation does not support the sampled CMS-HCC.  The downloads available below are provided as resources to aid in the submission process.  MAOs with access to the Part C IPM module within the Health Plan Management System (HPMS) can also access these and other templates for download in the HPMS Document Library.

Questions regarding the Part C IPM can be directed to

Please note, the Part C IPM is an entirely separate review from the Risk Adjustment Data Validation (RADV) conducted by the CMS Center for Program Integrity (CPI).

Page Last Modified:
01/22/2025 09:48 AM