Using Insurance and the Marketplace

Using Insurance and the Marketplace

Insurance can be a very confusing topic, and many American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) may not realize that they are eligible for special benefits. Find out about enrollment options through the Marketplace and why health insurance matters in Indian Country. This page includes flyers and fact sheets, brochures, public service announcements (PSAs), and videos on a variety of culturally specific topics.

PSAs, Ads, and Radio Spots

Public service announcements (PSAs) and radio spots provide more information on the ACA and how it benefits tribal communities. PSAs and radio spots are available in English and 10 Native languages on the Outreach & Education Native Language PSA Archive.

Newsletter – Covering Indian Country

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Keep up with the latest ACA news and outreach tools.

See past issues of the newsletter.

Brochures and Fact Sheets

AI/AN Insurance

10 Important Facts about IHS & Health Insurance (PDF) (3.4MB)

ACA Urban Health Care brochure (PDF) (591KB)

AI/AN Trust Income and MAGI Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 MB)

Bringing Better HealthCare to Native Communities (PDF) (1.8MB)

Cost Sharing Reductions for AI/ANs (PDF) (219KB)

Health Care Off the Reservation (PDF) (906KB)

Health Insurance 101 for American Indians (PDF) (1.72MB)

Health Insurance 101 for Alaska Natives (PDF) (2.02MB)

Information for AI/ANs Applying for Coverage (PDF) (195KB)

Native Communities Can Heal (PDF) (2.1MB)

The Value of Health Insurance for Alaska Natives (4.5MB)

The Value of Health Insurance for American Indians (3.66MB)

Insurance Basics

CMS Programs At A Glance (PDF) (999KB)

Coverage to Care brochure (PDF) (670KB)

Diabetes Care & Health Coverage (PDF) (342KB)

Employer Sponsored Insurance For Your Family (PDF) (4.52MB)

Employer Sponsored Insurance & Affordability (PDF) (591KB)

Essential Health Benefits (PDF) (2.4MB)

Marketplace Basics (PDF) (1.29MB)

Support for Veterans (PDF) (501KB)

Tribal Glossary brochure (PDF) (502KB)

Understanding Cost Sharing (PDF) (341KB)

Your Third Party at Work (PDF) (769KB)

Zero to Limited Cost Sharing (PDF) (957KB)

Family Health

ACA Men’s Health Care brochure (PDF) (773KB)

ACA Women’s Health Care brochure (PDF) (677KB)

ACA Youth brochure (PDF) (648KB)

Children's Health Checklist (PDF) (1.5MB)

Coverage for New Moms and New Babies (PDF) (477KB)

Dental Health for Adults (PDF) (326KB)

Dental Health for Children (PDF) (952KB)

Health Journey Factsheet (PDF) (1.7MB)

Healthy Students Promising Futures (PDF) (738KB)

Men's Health Checklist (PDF) (988KB)

Off to College? Don’t forget Your Health Care (PDF) (1.5MB)

Women's Health Checklist (PDF) (914KB)

Vaccinations for children and adults factsheet (PDF) (1.4MB)



Health Matters to Young Adults
Video thumbnail of Nez Perce singer-songwriter Julia Keefe

Nez Perce singer-songwriter Julia Keefe talks about how she is covered under her parents’ health care insurance until she is 26, and how that gives her the freedom to be creative because she doesn’t have to worry about her health. (2:15)

Health Matters to Cowboys
Video thumbnail of Northern Cheyenne/Blackfeet bull rider Dakota Louis

Northern Cheyenne/Blackfeet bull rider Dakota Louis talks about how his rides in the rodeo put him at risk of injury, how health insurance can provide peace of mind, and the fact that many Natives are eligible for lower premiums and Medicaid. (2:08)

Visit the CMS tribal resource ordering page to order resources for your community directly from the CMS warehouse. The resource list is updated monthly as more products are added. Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be completed.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM