CMS Innovation Center COVID-19 Flexibilities
The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) has taken a devastating toll on Americans across the country, whether in lives lost or economic impacts. The health care system is no different. Providers have been greatly affected as they strive to do the right thing—delaying elective surgeries; facing disruption in critical revenue streams; and simultaneously experiencing increased costs for Personal Protective Equipment.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been doing just that by advancing innovative payment and service delivery models to help move our health care system from one that pays for volume to one that rewards providers for keeping patients healthy, improving health outcomes, and lowering costs. The need for this transformation is even greater as our country confronts not just the coronavirus but the possibility of future pandemics.
In response to COVID-19, CMS is providing new flexibilities and adjustments to current and future Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) models to address the emergency. We’re releasing a flexibilities table (PDF) today that outlines the models and the new changes.
CMS leadership has authored a blog post describing additional CMMI model flexibilities.
Details about additional model-specific flexibilities will be released on a rolling basis as they become available.
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