
Dynamic List Information
Dynamic List Data
Decision Number
Case Name
Wyatt FFY 08 Wage Index (Occupational Mix Adjustment) Group vs. CGS Administrators, LLC
1. Whether the inclusion of surgical technicians, mental health technicians, and heart center recovery technicians in the “All other occupations” category instead of the “Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants” category in the Provider’s occupational-mix survey was correct. 2. Does the fact that CMS and its Medicare Contractors did not classify all medical technicians uniformly and that some medical technicians are classified in “Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants” category for some other hospitals, while the Medicare Contractor excluded them from that category here, require that they be reclassified here as “Nursing aides, orderlies and attendants,” and these Providers’ occupational mix adjustments (OMAs) be recalculated.
