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Calendar Year
Supporting Documentation
See Downloads section
Regulation Type
Final rule
Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2012

Note to the Public regarding the County Data File for the Revised 6th GPCI Update

CMS issued the calendar year (CY) 2012 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule with comment period in November of 2011. This final rule addresses our revisions to the 6th update to the Medicare Geographic Practice Cost Indices (GPCI) and incorporates our analyses of the practice expense (PE) GPCI and cost share weights in accordance with section 1848 (e)(1)(H)(iv) of the Social Security Act.

We adjust PFS payments geographically to reflect relative differences among costs in the 89 established PFS localities. We have provided the "work," "practice expense," and "malpractice" GPCIs to the public based on the locality configurations. As part of CMS' ongoing commitment to transparency, we are posting the county-level GPCI file that we used to develop the final CY 2012 GPCIs. This file will allow interested parties to further examine and replicate our GPCI methodology.

This file includes county-level GPCI values, employee wage, rent, and purchased services index information for the practice expense GPCI and the corresponding relative value unit (RVU) information utilized in GPCI locality calculations. In addition, we are providing technical guidance on the contents of the data file.

These additional data are for informational purposes only so that interested parties can have a better understanding of the data that underpin their locality GPCI values. We note that the provision of these data should not be interpreted to reflect any opinion by CMS or the Administration regarding the establishment of GPCIs at the county or any alternative locality configuration. We further note that it was necessary to impute some of these data to the counties since they were derived from data specific to larger geographic areas. The provision of these data should not be interpreted to reflect any views about the adequacy or administrative feasibility of using such data to establish GPCIs at the county or alternative locality level.

This file is entitled CY 2012 Final Rule GPCI County Data File and can be found in the "Downloads" section below.