Archived Information

Archived Information

This page is for postings and downloads that appeared on the Post Acute Care Quality Initiatives section in the past but are not currently applicable. Items are archived for historical reference. CMS provides the following materials for the public to access.

Measure Development Calendar:

IMPACT Measure Domain

Technical Expert Panels

Public Comment

Medication Reconciliation

July 29, 2015

September18-October 06, 2015

Discharge to Community

August 25, 2015

September 2015

All-condition Risk-adjusted Potentially Preventable Hospital Readmission Rates

October14, 2015

( Follow up TEP)

October 2015

Total Estimated Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary

October 29-30, 2015

December 13-February 05, 2016


December 14, 2017

IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions Document Available

An IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions document is available on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. The Q+A document reflects IMPACT Act-related questions that were received by the PACQualityInitiative Help Desk, as well as during National Provider Calls, and is intended to provide guidance on the IMPACT Act. CMS will continue to offer new FAQs on a periodic basis to ensure our stakeholders receive the most up-to-date information.

November 28, 2017

CMS has contracted with the RAND Corporation to develop standardized assessment-based data elements to meet the requirements as set forth under the IMPACT Act, Section 2(a). As part of its data element development process, RAND is conducting a national test of the data elements that are currently being considered for standardization. These data elements may be used to inform a number of important things, including case-mix adjustment, medical complexity, interoperable exchange, clinical decision support, and measure development. The protocols for this national field test are now posted in the Downloads section below. CMS is posting the national field test protocols to delineate the items being assessed in the National Beta test, to increase transparency, and to allow researchers, providers, and consumers more information on the testing protocol.

November 22, 2017

The November 2017 MSPB PAC Measure Q&A document is now posted on the IMPACT Downloads and Videos webpage. THE MPSB PAC measures were developed and adopted for the PAC QRPS to meet the mandate of the IMPACT Act.

November 17, 2017

Upcoming IMPACT Act Special Open Door Forum

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

2:00-3:00 pm ET

This Special Open Door Forum (SODF) will provide information and solicit feedback pertaining to the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the IMPACT Act). This SODF will provide an update on RAND's national field test launch, describe planned stakeholder engagement activities for 2018, and highlight ways for stakeholders to remain engaged and informed during the upcoming year.

View the IMPACT Act SODF Announcement 12-12-17  (PDF)for more information.   

October 02, 2017

An audio recording (ZIP) and transcript (PDF)  are posted for the August 17 call on IMPACT Act: Drug Regimen Review Measure Overview for the Home Health Quality Reporting Program.

October 02, 2017

An audio recording (ZIP) and transcript (PDF) are posted for the September 06 call on IMPACT Act: Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Measures.

September 21, 2017

CMS has contracted with RTI to maintain and develop quality measures to address current gaps in skilled nursing facility performance for the SNF QRP. As a part of the measure development process, CMS requires that contractors convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to the contractor. The SNF QRP Quality Measure Technical Expert Panel (TEP) was held on August 23rd, 2017 in Baltimore, MD to explore quality measure topics. See below for a list of individuals who participated as the technical experts for this project.

September 06, 2017

Upcoming IMPACT Act Special Open Door Forum

Thursday, September 28, 2017

2:00-3:00 pm ET

This Special Open Door Forum (SODF) will provide information and solicit feedback pertaining to the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the IMPACT Act). This SODF will focus on the goals of the IMPACT Act, update attendees on the RAND contract activities for item development, including pilot test results and plans for the upcoming national field test, and identify opportunities for providers, consumers, stakeholders, researchers, and advocates to become involved over the next year.

Visit the IMPACT Act SODF Announcement 9-28-17 (PDF)  for more information.  

August 10, 2017

IMPACT Act: Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary Measures Call

Wednesday, September 6, 2017, from 1:30 to 3 pm ET

Register for Medicare Learning Network events.

During this call, CMS and measure developers present information on the adopted Medicare Spending per Beneficiary Post-Acute Care (PAC) resource use measures, focusing on the components of each measure, as well as public reporting. A question and answer session follows the presentation.

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation of 2014 (IMPACT Act) requires the development of resource use measures for PAC providers, including skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals.

Target Audience: PAC providers, health care industry professionals, clinicians, researchers, health IT vendors, and other interested stakeholders.

July 19, 2017

IMPACT Act: Drug Regimen Review Measure Overview for the Home Health Quality Reporting Program Call

Thursday, August 17 from 1:30-3 pm ET

Register for Medicare Learning Network events.

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation of 2014 (IMPACT Act) requires reporting of standardized patient assessment data by post-acute care (PAC) providers (including skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals) for specified domains. During this call, CMS and measure developers will present the Drug Regimen Review (DRR) quality measure which was adopted to fulfill the medication reconciliation domain requirement of the IMPACT Act.  This call will focus on the home health measure.  A question and answer session follows the presentation.


  • Review the goals of the DRR measure
  • Review guidance and walk through scenarios for coding the Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) items used to calculate the measure

You may email questions in advance of the call to Questions received in advance of the call may be addressed during the call or used for other materials following the call. 

Target Audience: PAC providers, healthcare industry professionals, clinicians, researchers, health IT vendors, and other interested stakeholders. 

June 21, 2017

Two New IMPACT Act Compare Site Fact Sheets Now Available

Two new IMPACT Act Fact Sheets are now available on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. The fact sheets contain information related to IRF Compare and LTCH Compare and how the sites can serve as a resource to providers in understanding their current quality ratings. The fact sheets also suggest approaches to communicating with patients and family members about how the Compare sites can inform their decision making process.


June 07, 2017

The public comment summary report for the Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences measures is now posted on the IMPACT Downloads and Videos webpage. The Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences measures are under development to meet the mandate of the IMPACT Act, asking for the development of measures for the domain of "Transfer of health information and care preferences when an individual transitions".

June 07, 2017

The technical expert panel (TEP) summary report for the Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences measures is now posted on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. The Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences measures are under development in order to meet the mandate of the IMPACT Act for the domain of "Transfer of health information and care preferences when an individual transitions".

June 06, 2017

Upcoming IMPACT Act Special Open Door Forum

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

2:00-3:00 pm ET

This Special Open Door Forum (SODF) will provide information and solicit feedback pertaining to the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the IMPACT Act). This SODF will focus on the goals of the IMPACT Act, update attendees on the RAND contract activities for item development, including the upcoming national testing, and identify opportunities for providers, consumers, stakeholders, researchers, and advocates to become involved over the next year.

Visit the IMPACT Act SODF Announcement- 6-20-17 (PDF)for more information.  

April 27, 2017

Proposed specifications for the quality measures and standardized patient assessment data elements proposed for the SNF QRP through the FY 2018 SNF PPS Proposed Rule are now posted. The measure specifications document provides detailed information on the proposed measures: Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care: Pressure Ulcer/Injury, Application of IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Self-Care Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2633), Application of IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Mobility Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2634), Application of IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Discharge Self-Care Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2635), and  Application of IRF Functional Outcome Measure: Discharge Mobility Score for Medical Rehabilitation Patients (NQF #2636). The standardized patient data element specifications and evidence of support for these data elements are also detailed in the document. The specifications can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

April 27, 2017

The modified sections of the MDS effective October 1, 2018 , for the proposed measures and standardized patient assessment data elements as discussed in the SNF QRP in the FY 2018 SNF PPS Proposed Rule can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

April 27, 2017

Proposed specifications for the quality measures and standardized patient assessment data elements proposed for the IRF QRP through the FY 2018 IRF PPS Proposed Rule are now posted. The measure specifications document provides detailed information on the proposed measure, Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care: Pressure Ulcer/Injury. The standardized patient data element specifications and evidence of support for these data elements are also detailed in the document.

The specifications can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

April 24, 2017 

IMPACT Act Data Elements Public Comments Due June 26th

CMS has contracted with the RAND Corporation to develop standardized patient/resident assessment data elements in alignment with the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act).

CMS seeks comments from stakeholders on data elements that meet the IMPACT Act domains of cognitive function and mental status; medical conditions and co-morbidities; impairments; medication reconciliation; and care preferences. The Call for Public Comment period opens on April 26, 2017 and closes on June 26, 2017.

For more information, view the public comment webpage.


April 21, 2017

The Development of Functional Outcome Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) Public Comment Summary Report and re-posting of the associated DRAFT Specifications for the Functional Status Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Facilities (September 2016) are now available under the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

April 17, 2017

1st Quarter 2017 IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions Document Now Available

A new IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions document is now available on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. The Q+A document reflects frequently asked IMPACT Act related questions that were received by the PACQualityInitiative Help Desk, as well as several National Provider Calls and is intended to provide guidance on IMPACT Act related questions. CMS will continue to offer new FAQs on a periodic basis to ensure our stakeholders receive the most up-to-date information.

April 14, 2017

The proposed item set, along with a table listing changes from the previous version, for the proposed measures and standardized patient assessment data elements as delineated for the LTCH QRP in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS Proposed Rule can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage

April 14, 2017

Specifications for the quality measures and standardized patient assessment data elements proposed for the LTCH QRP through the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS Proposed Rule are now posted. The measure specifications provide detailed information on the following proposed measures: Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care: Pressure Ulcer/Injury, Compliance with Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) by Day 2 of the LTCH Stay, and Ventilator Liberation Rate. The standardized patient data element specifications and evidence of support are also detailed in the document. The specifications can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

April 14, 2017

CMS has contracted with RAND to develop and test standardized post-acute care assessment data elements that could meet the requirements of the IMPACT Act of 2014 and contribute to care planning, quality measurement, cost estimation, better care transitions, and interoperable data exchange. IMPACT Act of 2014 domains under consideration for development by RAND in the first year of the project include: cognition and mental status; medication reconciliation; care preferences; pain; and impairments in hearing, vision and continence. As part of its item standardization development process, CMS requires that contractors convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to the contractor. The Technical Expert Panel (TEP) was held on January 5-6, 2017 in Baltimore, MD. See below for a list of individuals who participated as the technical experts for this project.


Name, Credentials, Professional Role

Organizational Affiliation, City, State

PAC setting(s)

Role/Area of Expertise

Susan Battaglia, RN-BC,RAC-CT

Director of Case Mix Management

Tara Cares;

NGNA;AANAC Orchard Park, NY


Patient assessment, workforce, QI

Janet Brown, MA CCC-SLP*

Director, Health Care Services in Speech Language Pathology

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD


Hearing and vision assessment

Judy Elmore, BS

Vice President, Ancillary Operations

Covenant Healthcare

Aliso Viejo, CA


Administrator:Workforce, QI,Health Information Technology

Janet Herbold, PT, MPH,CHC

Senior Administrator and Corporate Compliance Officer

Burke Rehabilitation Hospital White Plains, NY


Provider/Administrator patient assessment, care transitions

Kathleen Lawerence, MSN, RN, CWOCN

Wound Ostomy Continence Program Manager

Rutland Area Visiting Nurse and Hospice Rutland, VT


Provider: care preferences, pain, workforce

Natalie Leland,


Assistant Professor

University of Southern California; Los Angeles, CA


Care preferences, QI,HIT

Cheryl Phillips,MD*

Senior VP Public Policy and Health Services

Leading Age Washington, DC


Administrator: QI,performance measurement, patient assessment process

Marc Rothman, MD

Senior VP & Chief Medical Officer

Kindred Healthcare;Louisville, KY


Provider:QI, workforce, care transitions

Chloe Slocum, MD

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Sandwich, MA


Provider: pain assessment, performance measurement, medication reconciliation

Peter W. Thomas, JD Principal

Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC; Washington, D



Barbara Thomsen, CDM, CFPP, RAC-CT

MDS/Case Mix Audit Specialist and Quality Assurance

Hawkeye Care Centers, Norwalk, IA


Provider: patient assessment, performance measurement

John Votto, DO, FCCP* President & CEO

Hospital for Special Care, Inc.

New Britain, CT


Administrator: patient assessment, performance measurement

Michael Wasserman, MD, CMP Geriatrician

Woodland Hills, CA


Provider: QI, care transitions

Kathleen Witcoskie, RN Vice President

Visiting Nurse Association of American Health Systems Shamokin, PA


Research/ academic:  QI, healthcare disparities

March 03, 2017 

IMPACT Act: Standardized Patient Assessment Data Activities MLN Connects® Call

Wednesday, March 29 from 1:30 to 3 pm ET

To register or for more information, visit MLN Connects Event Registration.

During this call, find out about efforts to develop, implement, and maintain standardized Post-Acute Care (PAC) patient assessment data, including pilot testing results and plans for the upcoming national field test. Topics:

  • Goal of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act)
  • Timeline of activities
  • Alpha 1 results
  • Alpha 2 progress
  • Plans for beta test
  • How to get involved

The IMPACT Act requires the reporting of standardized patient assessment data by PAC providers, including skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals. Visit the Data Standardization & Cross Setting Measures website for more information.  

Target Audience: PAC providers, healthcare industry professionals, clinicians, researchers, and other interested stakeholders.

March 01, 2017

The Public Comment Summary Report for the Home Health Functional Status Process Measure is now available on the Home Health Quality Measures webpage in the download section. This cross-setting function quality measure is an application of the quality measure Percent of Long-Term Care Hospital Patients with an Admission and Discharge Functional Assessment and a Care Plan that Addresses Function (NQF #2631).

February 08, 2017

TEP Summary Report for Refinement of the Pressure Ulcer Measure is Now Available

The summary report for the refinement of percent of residents or patients with pressure ulcers that are new or worsened (Short-Stay) (NQF #0678) is now available. This report summarizes proceedings from a follow-up cross-setting pressure ulcer TEP meeting, which included in-depth discussion on the following topics:

  • Obtaining input on updates to the cross-setting pressure ulcer measure in post-acute care settings
  • Obtaining feedback regarding potential updates to measure specifications and items used to calculate the quality measure
  • Refining the cross-setting approach to data collection for pressure ulcers in post-acute care settings 
  • View the TEP summary report on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

January 23, 2017

Looking Ahead: The IMPACT Act in 2017 MLN Connects® Call

Thursday, February 23 from 1:30 to 3 pm ET

To register or for more information, visit MLN Connects Event Registration.

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation of 2014 (IMPACT Act) requires the reporting of standardized patient assessment data by Post-Acute Care (PAC) providers, including skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals.  During this call, CMS experts discuss goals, requirements, progress to date, and key milestones for 2017. A question and answer session follows the presentation.

January 06, 2017

Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences Quality Measures Pilot Study – Response Due by January 17

CMS has contracted with RTI and Abt to develop and implement two Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences (TOH) quality measures. The TOH measures meet requirements under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (IMPACT Act) of 2014.  Data for these cross-setting measures will be collected for the following post-acute care settings: SNFs, IRFs, LTCHs and HHAs. As part of the measure development process, RTI, in collaboration with Abt, is pilot testing the TOH measures to investigate data collection methods and time to complete the items, the feasibility of implementing the TOH quality measures, and measure properties.   

Agencies and facilities that have been Medicare-certified for at least one year are eligible to participate in the pilot study.

View the Transfer of Health Pilot January 2017 zip file on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage for the Recruitment Letter that provides more information about the Pilot study and the Interest Form that can be completed electronically.

We request that interested IRFs, SNFs, LTCHs, and HHAs submit an Interest Form to by Tuesday, January 17th. Interest forms received after January 17 are welcome and will be considered for the later testing activities.

December 27, 2016 

IMPACT Act SODF Audio Recording and Transcript Available

The transcript & audio file (ZIP) from the December 8, 2016 IMPACT Act and Improving Care Coordination Special Open Door Forum (SODF) is available. This SODF provided goals of the IMPACT Act, updated attendees on the RAND contract activities for item development, and identified opportunities for providers, consumers, stakeholders, researchers, and advocates to become involved over the next year.

December 22, 2016

IMPACT Act of 2014 Cross-Setting Quality Measures: Risk adjustment reports for Discharge to Community and Potentially Preventable Rehospitalization Available

CMS has contracted with Abt Associates to develop cross-setting post-acute care measures for the quality measures Discharge to Community (DTC) and Potentially Preventable Rehospitalizations. The technical specifications for risk adjustment for these measures are available in the “Downloads” section of the Home Health Quality Initiative Quality Measures page.

November 29, 2016

Upcoming Special Open Door Forum

The IMPACT Act and Improving Care Coordination

Thursday, December 8, 2016

2:00-3:00 pm Eastern Time

Conference Call Only

The purpose of this Special Open Door Forum (SODF) is to provide information and solicit feedback pertaining to the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the IMPACT Act). This SODF will focus on the goals of the IMPACT Act, update attendees on the RAND contract activities for item development, and identify opportunities for providers, consumers, stakeholders, researchers, and advocates to become involved over the next year. Visit the downloads section below for more information.

 November 28, 2016

New IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions Document Now Available

A new IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions document is now available on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. The Q+A document reflects frequently asked IMPACT Act related questions that were received by the PACQualityInitiative Help Desk, as well as several National Provider Calls and is intended to provide guidance on IMPACT Act related questions. CMS will continue to offer new FAQs on a periodic basis to ensure our stakeholders receive the most up-to-date information.

November 18, 2016

IMPACT Act of 2014 Cross-Setting Quality Measure: Falls with Major Injury Public Comment Summary Vow Available

CMS has contracted with Abt Associates to develop a cross-setting post-acute care measure for the quality measure domain – incidence of major falls. In this measure, Falls with Major Injury is defined as the percentage of patients who experience one or more falls with major injury (defined as bone fractures, joint dislocations, and closed-head injuries with altered consciousness, or subdural hematoma) during the home health stay. The Call for Public Comment ran from September 19, 2016 to October 14, 2016. The Public Comment Summary was released on November 14, 2016 and can be found on the public comment webpage.

November 18, 2016

IMPACT Act Cross-Setting Quality Measure: Transfer of Health Information and Care Preferences Comments Due December 11

Public comments are due December 11 on a cross-setting post-acute care measure under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act). In alignment with the CMS and National Quality Strategy (NQS) objectives and goals, the purpose of this project is to develop, maintain, re-evaluate, and implement measures reflective of quality care for PAC settings to support CMS quality missions including the LTCH QRP, IRF QRP, SNF QRP and HH QRP.

CMS seeks to obtain input on the development of the following cross-setting quality measures for use in post-acute care settings:

  1. Transfer of Information at Post-Acute Care Admission, Start, or Resumption of Care from Other Providers/Settings
  2. Transfer of Information at Post-Acute Care Discharge or End of Care to Other Providers/Settings

Visit the public comment webpage for more information.

November 18, 2016

Proposed IMPACT Act Cross-Setting Quality Measure: Percent of Home Health Episodes with an Admission and Discharge Functional Assessment and a Care Plan That Addresses Function Comments due December 9

Public comments are due December 9 on a proposed cross-setting post-acute care measure under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act).

Visit the public comment webpage for more information.

November 18, 2016

The written transcript & audio file (ZIP) from the Thursday, September 15, 2016 Special Open Door Forum (SODF) has been posted. This SODF provided information and solicited feedback pertaining to the IMPACT Act. This SODF discussed the goals of the IMPACT Act, the expected outcomes of the Act, and potential roles post-acute care providers can play in improving coordinated care.

November 03, 2016

IMPACT Act Cross-Setting Quality Measure: Refinement of Percent of Residents or Patients with Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened and Language Modifications Being Explored with the Term “Pressure Injury” due November 17

Public comments are due November 17 on a cross-setting post-acute care measure under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act) to further develop and refine the post-acute care pressure ulcer measure. CMS seeks:

  • To obtain input on updates to the following cross-setting pressure ulcer measure in post-acute care settings:
  • To obtain feedback regarding potential updates to measure specifications and items used to calculate the quality measure
  • To further refine the cross-setting approach to data collection for pressure ulcers in post-acute care settings

Visit the public comment webpage for more information.

October 31, 2016

CMS along with RAND Corporation are working to develop and test standardized Post-Acute Care (PAC) assessment data elements to meet the requirements of the IMPACT Act and contribute to care planning, quality measurement, cost estimation, better care transitions and interoperable data exchange.

Five focus groups were conducted in February 2016 to understand: 

  • Provider and consumer experiences with the current patient assessment process in PAC settings
  • Identify what works well
  • Challenges within the settings; and
  • Areas for improvement in the process in the context of standardized data collection

 CMS and RAND sought provider and consumer input on data elements and assessment approaches across specific clinical domains under consideration for inclusion in a standardized instrument

Click here   (PDF)to view the full report.

October 26, 2016

CMS 2016 Quality Conference- Baltimore, MD

December 13-15

Join more than nearly 2,000 thought leaders in American health care quality improvement at the CMS 2016 Quality Conference. This conference will explore how patients, advocates, providers, researchers, and the many leaders in health care quality improvement can develop and spread solutions to some of America’s most pervasive health system challenges.  The 2016 CMS Quality Conference will be the most expansive yet, with both new and existing participants from programs across CMS, HHS, and community stakeholders. The collaborative format of the conference, and strong focus on data-proven outcomes is underscored by this year's conference theme, Aligning for Innovation and Outcomes. 

For more information and to register, visit the CMS Quality Conference webpage.

October 17, 2016

CMS has contracted with Abt Associates to develop cross-setting post-acute care measures for the quality measure domain - Function Status, Cognitive Function, and Changes in Function and Cognitive Function. As part of its measure development process, CMS asked contractors to convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to the measure contractors during measure development and maintenance. The technical expert panel (TEP) for this project was held on October 17-18, 2016 in Baltimore, MD. See below for a list of individuals who participated as the technical experts for this project. The full composition list is located on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

TEP Member Name and Credentials

Organizational Affiliation

Clinical Expertise

Functional Assessment

Quality Improvement

Performance Measurement

Consumer/ Patient/Family

Conflict of Interests

Eileen Bach, PT, DPT, COS-C, CHC

Provider and Corporate Compliance Specialist- Visiting Nurse Service of New York







Michelle Camicia, PhD, MSN, CRRN, CCM, PHN, FAHA

Director of Operations- Kaiser Foundation Rehabilitation Center







Gail Hunt

President and CEO - National Alliance for Caregiving




Amy Leibensberger-White, PT, MSEd

Director, Outcomes Integrity, Clinical Analytics and Data Science- naviHealth







Kentrell Liddell, MD

Vice President of Quality Management- Mid-Delta Health Systems, Inc., Total Health Care Services, Inc. Adult Day Care






John Melvin, MD, MMSc

Michie Professor and Chair - Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University






Cheryl Miller, DrOT

National Director of Therapy Operations - HealthSouth






Lenard L. Parisi, RN, MA, CPHQ, FNAHQ

System-wide Vice President of Quality Management and Performance Improvement - Metropolitan Jewish Health System





Occasional Consultant, OASIS Answers, Inc

Rebecca Skrine, MS, CCC-SLP, CHCE, COSC-C

Director of Business Development- Baptist Health






Occasional Consultant, OASIS Answers, Inc.

Ellen Strunk, PT, MS, GCS, CEEAA, CHC

President & Owner - Rehab Resources & Consulting Inc.





Pamela Toto, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA

Program Director - Clinical Science Doctorate Program, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, UPMC Centers for Rehab Services
































































October 14, 2016

Drug Regimen Review Item Pilot Test for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, Skilled Nursing Facilities, and Long-Term Care Hospitals:  A Summary of Findings – Report Now Available

In December 2015, CMS, with our measure contractor RTI International, conducted a pilot test to collect data on the items used to calculate the quality measure, Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care (DRR). The DRR measure is a patient assessment-based, cross-setting process measure developed to meet the IMPACT Act quality domain of Medication Reconciliation for the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF), Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH), and Home Health Agency (HHA) Quality Reporting Programs.

The DRR Item Pilot Test collected data on the DRR measure items in the IRF, SNF, and LTCH settings to inform CMS on the feasibility of collecting the DRR measure items in these settings. The pilot testing data suggested that use of the DRR measure items can facilitate use of a systematic approach to the processes of medication reconciliation (MR) and DRR, supporting the need for PAC facilities to collect the DRR measure items to drive enhanced quality assurance and patient/resident safety, especially surrounding transitions of care.

View the full report on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

September 30, 2016

August 11, Chicago, IL, IMPACT Act Presentation Materials Now Available

On August 11, 2016, CMS delivered a presentation in Chicago, IL about the IMPACT Act and Assessment Data Element Standardization and Interoperability. A link to the video recording of this presentation can be accessed on YouTube. Further information can be found on the IRF QRP Training webpage or LTCH QRP Training webpage.

September 22, 2016

IMPACT Act Cross-Setting Quality Measure: Falls with Major Injury - Comments due October 14

Public comments are due October 14 on a cross-setting post-acute care measure under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act) to meet the domain of incidence of major falls, for application in home health. CMS seeks comments on:

 Project Objectives:

  • Introduce falls with major injury data elements for capturing data for a falls with major injury measure in the incidence of major falls domain for home health patients
  • Refine measure specifications
  • Identify setting-specific needs/concerns/barriers for capturing falls with major injury information using the data elements
  • Gather feedback on importance, feasibility, usability and potential impact of adding falls with major injury data elements for quality measurement as new items to the OASIS item set
  • Identify additional guidance required for the implementation in home health

 Visit the public comment webpage for more information.

August 31, 2016

IMPACT Act: Data Elements and Measure Development Call Thursday, October 13, 2016 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time

CMS will host an MLN Connects National Provider Call for SNFs, IRFs, LTCHs, HHAs, and other interested stakeholders. Subject matter experts will discuss how data elements fit within measure development and provide an example of the process using the Pressure Ulcer measure. The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) of 2014 requires the reporting of standardized patient assessment data by Post-Acute Care providers.

To register or for more information, visit MLN Connects Event Registration.

August 25, 2016

TEP on IMPACT Act Quality Measures: Nominations due September 7

Nominations are due September 7 for a Technical Expert Panel (TEP) on quality measures to satisfy the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act). CMS is developing cross-setting post-acute care measures for the quality measure domain - Function Status, Cognitive Function, and Changes in Function and Cognitive Function.

Visit the Technical Expert Panels webpage for more information.


August 25, 2016

The RAND Corporation, on behalf of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), convened a Technical Expert Panel (TEP) to seek expert input on the development of Post-Acute Care (PAC) cross-setting standardized patient assessment data with a focus on Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). An in-person, two day meeting of the TEP was held on April 7th and April 8th, 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland. This TEP report provides a summary of the TEP proceedings, detailing key issues of standardized patient assessment data development and the TEP’s discussion around those issues.

The TEP summary document for the development of Development and Maintenance of Post-Acute Care Cross-Setting Standardized Patient Assessment Data can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

 August 22, 2016

CMS is soliciting for public comment on a collection of standardized assessment-based data items developed under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act) to meet the domains of: cognitive function and mental status; special services, treatments, and interventions; medical conditions and co-morbidities; and impairments. This call for public comment is now open until September 12, 2016. For more information on this call for public comment, please see the public comment webpage.

August 19, 2016

RTI International, on behalf of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), convened a Technical Expert Panel (TEP) to seek expert input on the development of Functional Outcome Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). This all-day, in-person TEP meeting was held on May 5, 2016, in Baltimore, MD. This TEP summary report provides describes that TEP proceedings, detailing key issues related to measure development, and TEP discussion around those issues. This report also provides a summary of the background, the process for the TEP meetings, and the organization of the TEP report.

The TEP summary document for the development of Functional Outcome Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

August 16, 2016

SNF Quality Reporting Program: Updated Measure Specifications for the Percent of Patients or Residents with Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened (Short-Stay) (NQF #0678) Quality Measure

Updated specifications for the SNF QM User’s Manual to accompany the MDS 3.0 for the Percent of Patients or Residents with Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened (Short-Stay) (NQF #0678) Quality Measure are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the measure, including updates to the numerator, target population, and calculation of the quality measure.

The measure specifications can be found in the Downloads section.

August 16, 2016

New IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions document is now available

A new IMPACT Act Frequently Asked Questions document is now available on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. The Q+A document reflects frequently asked IMPACT Act related questions that were received by the PACQualityInitiative Help Desk, as well as several National Provider Calls and is intended to provide guidance on IMPACT Act related questions. CMS will continue to offer new FAQs on a periodic basis to ensure our stakeholders receive the most up-to-date information.

August 12, 2016

Upcoming Special Open Door Forum

The IMPACT Act and Improving Care Coordination Thursday, September 15, 2016 2:00 -3:00 pm Eastern Time Conference Call Only

The purpose of this Special Open Door Forum (SODF) is to provide information and solicit feedback pertaining to the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the IMPACT Act). This SODF will offer discussion on the goals of the IMPACT Act, the expected outcomes of the Act, and potential roles post-acute care providers can play in improving coordinated care. This SODF will serve as a platform to update providers, consumers, stakeholders, researchers, and advocates alike on the work around the IMPACT Act and to solicit input on the ways the IMPACT Act can help you improve care coordination. Visit the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage for more information.

August 09, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with RTI International and Abt Associates to further develop and refine a cross-setting post-acute care pressure ulcer measure in alignment with the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act). The contract names are Development and Maintenance of Symptom Management Measures (contract number HHSM-500-2013-13015I; Task Order HHSM-500-T0001) and Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Quality Measure Development and Maintenance Project (contract number HHSM -500-2013-13001I, Task Order HHSM-500T0002). As part of its measure development process, CMS asks contractors to convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to the measure contractor during measure development and maintenance. The TEP for this project was held on July 18, 2016. This TEP was held via webinar. The following individuals participated as the technical experts for this project.


Name, Credentials

Professional Role

Organizational Affiliation City, State

Consumer Perspective

Clinical Content

Performance Measurement

Elizabeth A. Ayello, Ph.D., RN, ACNS-BC, CWON, ETN, MAPWCA, FAAN

President; Clinical Editor for Advances in Skin and Wound Care Ayello, Harris & Associates, Inc. Hillis Hills, NY Senior Adviser The John A Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing New York, NY


Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)


Laurie Crookenden, BS, RN, CWOCN, CRRN  

Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nurse Carolinas Rehabilitation Charlotte, NC


Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)


Janet Cuddigan, PhD, RN, CWCN, FAAN

Associate Professor University of Nebraska Medical Center School of Nursing Omaha, NE Adjunct Professor Kansas University Medical Center School of Nursing Kansas City, KA NDNQI Pressure Ulcer Consultant


Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) and Long Term Care Hospital (LTCH)


Barbara A. Dale, RN, BSN, CWOCN, CHHN, COS-C

Director of Wound Care Quality Home Health Livingston, TN


Home Health Agency (HHA)


Jean M. deLeon, MD, FAPWCA

 Professor; Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation; Medical Director of Wound Care University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX


Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)


Aimee Garcia, MD, CWS, FACCWS  

Director, Clinical Wound Care Fellowship; Associate Professor of Medicine and Geriatrics Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX Medical Director, Wound Care Clinic and Consult Service Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center Houston, TX




Brenda Mallory, MD

Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Penn State College of Medicine Hummelstown, PA




Benjamin Peirce, BA, RN, CWOCN

VP of Utilization and Quality Management Wound Technology Network Plantation, FL




Tara Roberts, PT

VP of Rehabilitation and Wound Care Services Nexion Health Management, Inc. Sykesville, MD




Aamir Siddiqui, MD

Division Head of Plastic Surgery Henry Ford Hospital Detroit, MI




Sheri Slater, MS

Patient Representative Forest Hill, MD





August 9, 2016

CMS is soliciting for public comment on a collection of standardized assessment-based data items developed under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act) to meet the domains of: cognitive function and mental status; special services, treatments, and interventions; medical conditions and co-morbidities; and impairments. Standardized assessment-based data items were developed for the Long-Term Care Hospital, the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility, the Skilled Nursing Facility, and the Home Health Agency settings. CMS is seeking public comment on the whether items have the potential for improving quality, the utility of the items for describing case mix, the feasibility of the items for use in post-acute care settings, and the validity of the items. This call for public comment is open from August 12th through August 26th , 2016. For more information on this call for public comment, please see the public comment webpage.

August 9, 2016

CMS is currently soliciting nominations for technical expert panel members for quality measures developed under the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act) to meet the domain of the transfer of health information and care preferences. The quality measures, Transfer of Information at Post-Acute Care Admission, Start, or Resumption of Care from Other Providers/Settings, and the Transfer of Information at Post-Acute Care Discharge or End of Care to Other Providers/Settings were developed for the Long-Term Care Hospital, the Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility, the Skilled Nursing Facility, and the Home Health Agency settings. CMS is seeking technical experts with expertise in care transitions and information transfer during transitions, quality improvement, and performance measurement, among other areas of knowledge. The call for technical expert panel members is open from August 8th through August 21st, 2016.  For more information on this call for technical expert panel members, please see: /Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/MMS/TechnicalExpertPanels

July 29, 2016

Specifications for the measures finalized for adoption into the SNF QRP through the SNF PPS FY 2017 Final Rule are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the following adopted measures: Medicare Spending per Beneficiary-Post Acute Care SNF Quality Reporting Program, Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care SNF Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for SNF Quality Reporting Program, and Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care SNF Quality Reporting Program.

Specifications for the measures finalized for adoption into the LTCH QRP through the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the following adopted measures: Medicare Spending per Beneficiary-Post Acute Care LTCH Quality Reporting Program, Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care LTCH Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for LTCH Quality Reporting Program, and Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care LTCH Quality Reporting Program.

Specifications for the measures finalized for adoption into the IRF QRP through the IRF PPS FY 2017  Final Rule are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the following adopted measures: Medicare Spending per Beneficiary-Post Acute Care IRF Quality Reporting Program, Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care IRF Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for IRF Quality Reporting Program, Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care IRF Quality Reporting Program, and Potentially Preventable Within Stay Readmission Measure for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities.

The measure specifications can be found in the Downloads section.

July 29, 2016

IMPACT Act Audio Recording and Transcript Available

The transcript & audio file (ZIP) from the May 12, 2016 Understanding the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (IMPACT Act)-Patient and Family Focused for Informed Decision Making Special Open Door Forum (SODF) is now available. This SODF provided an introduction of the IMPACT Act and the standardization of assessment instruments across post-acute care settings to improve patient quality of care and quality of life. Subject matter experts provided background on the IMPACT Act, the IMPACT Act website, and other important consumer information in assessing patients in post-acute care settings.

June 28, 2016

IMPACT Act of 2014 CMS Support for Providers to Participate in Field Testing. CMS has contracted with the RAND Corporation and its partners, Abt Associates Inc. and Qualidigm to develop, modify, implement, and align post-acute care (PAC) assessment data across the PAC-setting assessment instruments.  In addition to extensive information gathering and input from stakeholders and subject matter experts, the work of the RAND team includes field testing of standardized data elements among PAC providers to test the validity of the standardized data elements and the feasibility of collecting the items in all four PAC settings.  Testing will focus on the following assessment domains:

  • Cognitive function, such as ability to express ideas and to understand, and mental status, such as depression and dementia.
  • Special services, treatments and interventions such as the need for ventilator use, dialysis, chemotherapy, central line placement and total parenteral nutrition.
  • Medical conditions and co-morbidities such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and pressure ulcers
  • Impairments, such as incontinence and an impaired ability to hear, see or swallow.

Announcement for recruitment related to Testing, starts July 2016, is now available in the downloads section below.

June 27, 2016

Specifications for the OASIS C2 items for the proposed measure “Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues- Post Acute Care (PAC) Home Health (HH) Quality Reporting Program (QRP)” as described in the HH PPS CY 2017 Notice of Proposed Rule Making are now available. The specifications can be found in the Downloads section of the Impact Act Downloads and Videos  page and Home Health Quality Measures page.  

June 27, 2016

Specifications for the measures proposed for adoption into the HH QRP through the CY 2017 HH PPS Notice of Proposed Rule Making are now available. The specifications provide detailed information on the following proposed measures:

  • Medicare Spending per Beneficiary- Post Acute Care Home Health Quality Reporting Program
  • Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care Home Health Quality Reporting Program,
  • Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for Home Health Quality Reporting Program.
  • Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care Home Health Quality Reporting Program.

The specifications for the measures proposed can be found in the Downloads section of the Impact Act Downloads and Videos page and Home Health Quality Measures page

June 06, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a National Provider Call (NPC) for PAC providers, healthcare industry professionals, health IT vendors, and other interested stakeholders.  

National Provider Call: Quality Measures and the IMPACT Act

Thursday July 7, 2016

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time Participant Dial-In Number and ID: Provided after registering in the link provided below.  

Conference Call Only.

Description: During this call, CMS experts discuss key quality measures related to the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act).  Also, find out about upcoming stakeholder engagement activities. Following the presentation, participants can share insights and thoughts on the measures during the question and answer/discussion session.

The IMPACT Act requires the reporting of standardized patient assessment data on quality measures, resource use, and other measures by Post-Acute Care (PAC) providers, including skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals.

Target Audience: PAC providers, healthcare industry professionals, clinicians, researchers, health IT vendors, and other interested stakeholders.

Call Materials: Slide Presentation (PDF) Audio Recording (ZIP) Written Transcript (PDF)

Registration: To register for an MLN Connects Call, please visit the MLN Connects Event Registration website.

Registration Assistance:

  • Review the Frequently Asked Questions page.
  • If you need additional assistance with registration, please email us at
  • To request TTY services, please email no later than 3 business days before the event.

For More Information: For more information, please visit the IMPACT Act website.

Questions or Comments can be submitted to

May 12, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with RTI International to develop Functional Outcome Quality Measures for Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs). The contract name is Development and Maintenance of Symptom Management Measures. The contract number is HHSM-500-2013-13015I. As part of its measure development process, CMS asks measure developers to convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to the measure developer during measure development and maintenance. The TEP for this project was held on May 5, 2016 in Baltimore, Maryland. The following individuals participated as the Technical Expert Panel for this project.


Name and Credentials

Professional Role Organizational Affiliation, City, State

Consumer Perspective

Clinical Content

Performance Measurement

Coding and Informatics

Daniel Ciolek, PT, MS, PMP

Associate Vice President, Therapy Advocacy AHCA





Bill Goulding,  MS/CCC-SLP

National Director of Outcomes and Reimbursement Aegis Therapies Greendale, WI





Robyn Grant, MSW

Consumer Advocate, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Washington, DC





Scott Guevin, PT, DPT, NHA, MBA, FACHE

CEO Penn State Hershey Rehabilitation Hospital Lancaster, PA





John James, PhD

Consumer Advocate Houston, TX





Natalie Leland, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA

Assistant Professor University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA





Susan Levy, MD, CMD, AGSF

Medical Director, AMDA President The Society for Post-Acute and Long Term Care Medicine Frankford, DE





Craig Miller, PT

Senior PT Michigan Health and Rehabilitation Macomb, MI





Anne Ruggiero, BSN, RN, CRRN

Case Manager Memorial Care Center Swansea, IL





Azlan Tariq, DO

Director of Physician Development and Rehabilitation Consultant Integrated Rehab Consultants Chicago, IL






April 21, 2016

Specifications for the measures proposed for adoption into the SNF QRP through the SNF PPS FY 2017 Proposed Rule are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the following proposed measures: Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary-Post Acute Care Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program, Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program, and Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program. The specifications for the measures proposed can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos page.  

April 21, 2016

Specifications for the measures proposed for adoption into the IRF QRP through the IRF PPS FY 2017 Proposed Rule are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the following proposed measures: Medicare Spending per Beneficiary- Post Acute Care Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality Reporting Program, Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable Within Stay Readmission Measure for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, and Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility Quality Reporting Program. The specifications for the measures proposed can be found in the Downloads section of the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos page.

April 18, 2016

Specifications for the measures proposed for adoption into the LTCH QRP through the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS Proposed Rule are posted. The specifications provide detailed information on the following proposed measures: Medicare Spending per Beneficiary, Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program, Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post Discharge Readmission Measure for Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program, and Drug Regimen Review Conducted with Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program.

The measure specifications can be found in the Downloads and Video page.

April 15, 2016

Special Open Door Forum: Understanding the IMPACT Act-Patient and Family Focused for Informed Decision Making Thursday, May 12, 2016 2:00 PM -3:00 PM Eastern Time

CMS will host a Special Open Door Forum (SODF) to allow patients, families, caregivers, patient advocacy groups, disabled groups, low-income health patients, other consumers and interested parties to ask questions on the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (commonly called the IMPACT Act) and standardizing the data elements in patient care assessment instruments across post-acute care settings of Skilled nursing facilities, Home Health Agencies, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, and Long Term Care Hospitals to improve quality of care and quality of life. The purpose of this SODF call is to allow patients, families, caregivers, patient advocacy groups, disabled groups, low-income health patients, other consumers and interested parties to provide information and to solicit feedback on the introduction of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (commonly called the IMPACT Act) and standardizing the assessment of patients across post-acute care settings to improve quality of care and quality of life. This Special Open Door Forum will provide background on the IMPACT Act, the IMPACT Act website, and other important consumer information in assessing patients in the post-acute care setting. We invite questions from patients, families, consumers and consumer advocates in advance, or during the forum.

Please submit questions

Call Materials: A copy of the slide presentation is posted under Downloads on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage. We look forward to your participation. Thank you for your continued interest in the CMS Open Door Forums.

Special Open Door Participation Instructions: Participant Dial-In Number: 1-800 837-1935 Conference ID #: 77707137

A transcript and audio recording of this Special ODF will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at /OpenDoorForums/05_ODF_SpecialODF.asp approximately 2 weeks following this call.                           For automatic emails of Open Door Forum schedule updates (E-Mailing list subscriptions) and to view Frequently Asked Questions, please visit our website at /opendoorforums/ .

Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.

April 15, 2016

CMS has contracted with RTI International and Abt Associates to develop measures of Potentially Preventable Readmissions. These measures were developed in order to meet the mandate of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act).  These measures apply to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). As part of the measure development process, the public was invited to submit comments on the measures under development. From November 2 to December 1, 2015, RTI International and Abt Associates held a public comment period to seek comments from interested parties on the development of the Potentially Preventable Readmission measures.

The public comment summary document for the Potentially Preventable Readmission measures can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

April 15, 2016

CMS has contracted with RTI International and Abt Associates to develop measures of discharge to the community. These measure were developed in order to meet the mandate of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act).  The contract names are Development and Maintenance of Symptom Management Measures (HHSM-500-2013-13015I; Task Order HHSM-500-T0001) and Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Quality Measure Development and Maintenance (HHSM-500-2013-13001I; Task Order HHSM-500-T0002).  These measures apply to Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs), Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs).

The public comment summary document for the Discharge to Community measures can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

April 5, 2016

The IMPACT Act requires that CMS implement and maintain standardized patient assessment data elements for post-acute care (PAC) settings to facilitate care coordination and improve Medicare beneficiary outcomes. In order to accomplish this task, CMS has contracted with RAND to develop and test standardized post-acute care assessment items that could meet the requirements of the IMPACT Act in order to contribute to care planning, quality measurement, cost estimation, and/or better care transitions. The contract name for this work is Development and Maintenance of Post-Acute Care Cross-Setting Standardized Assessment Data. The contract number is HHSM-500-2013-13014I.

Existing PAC assessment instruments, (MDS, IRF-PAI, OASIS, LTCH CARE Data Set) use different assessment items, and items are created, collected, and reported in many different ways. Therefore, the items currently used in the PAC assessment instruments are neither standardized nor interoperable. Implementation of standardized assessment items across PAC settings, facilitated by health information technology (HIT), is compelling at multiple levels and has important implications for Medicare beneficiaries, families, providers, and policymakers.

As part of the  item standardization development process, RAND is convening a Technical Expert Panel to provide input on item standardization categories under review by RAND which include: cognition and mental status; medication safety; care preferences; medical conditions including pain; impairments such as impaired ability to hear and see. This Technical Expert Panel will be held in Baltimore, MD on April 7-8, 2016. The final list of the individuals who were selected to participate on this Technical Expert Panel is listed below.


Name, Credentials, Professional Role

Organizational Affiliation, City, State

PAC setting(s)

Role/Area of Expertise


Susan Battaglia, RN-BC, RAC-CTDirector of Case Mix Management

Tara Cares; NGNA; AANAC Orchard Park, NY


Patient assessment, workforce, QI


Cheryl Burzynski, MSN President and Chief Nursing Officer

McLaren Bay Special Care, Bay City, MI


Administrator: workforce


Daniel Butts, MOT, OTR/L, MBA Senior Director Rehabilitation Operations

UPMC Rehabilitation Network Pittsburgh, PA


Administrator: workforce


Judy Elmore, BS Vice President, Ancillary Operations

Covenant Healthcare Aliso Viejo, CA


Administrator: Workforce, QI, Health Information Technology


Janet Herbold, PT, MPH, CHC

Burke Rehabilitation





Name, Credentials, Professional Role

Organizational Affiliation, City, State

PAC setting(s)

Role/Area of Expertise


Senior Administrator and Corporate Compliance Officer

Hospital White Plains, NY


Patient assessment, care transitions


Kathleen Lawrence, MSN, RN, CWOCN Wound Ostomy Continence Program Manager

Rutland Area Visiting Nurse and Hospice Rutland, VT


Provider: care preferences, pain, workforce


Natalie Leland, PhD, OTR/L, BCG, FAOTA Assistant Professor

University of Southern California; Los Angeles, CA


Care preferences, QI, HIT


Marc Rothman, MD Senior VP & Chief Medical Officer

Kindred Healthcare; Louisville, KY


Provider: QI, workforce, care transitions


Monica Sampson, PhD, CCC-SLP Associate Director

Health Care Services in SLP, Rockville, MD


Provider: hearing and vision assessment, assessment of cognitive function


Chloe Slocum, MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician

Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Sandwich, MA


Provider: pain assessment, performance measurement, medication reconciliation


Peter W. Thomas, JD Principal

Powers Pyles Sutter & Verville PC; Washington, DC




Barbara Thomsen, CDM, CFPP, RAC-CT MDS/Case Mix Audit Specialist and Quality Assurance

Hawkeye Care Centers, Norwalk, IA


Provider: patient assessment, performance measurement


Heidi Wald, MD Associate Professor

University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO


QI, urinary and bowel


Michael Wasserman, MD, CMP Director, Nursing

Health Services Advisory Group Glendale, CA


Provider: QI, care transitions



Name, Credentials, Professional Role

Organizational Affiliation, City, State

PAC setting(s)

Role/Area of Expertise







Kathleen Witcoskie, RN Vice President

Visiting Nurse Association of American Health Systems Shamokin, PA


Research/ academic:  QI, healthcare disparities


Kimber Zappia, BSW, MBA Executive Director

Carolinas Healthcare System Charlotte, NC


Administrator/provider: workforce, care transitions


March 28, 2016

On August 12 and 13, 2015, RTI International and Abt Associates convened an in-person Technical Expert Panel (TEP) meeting to seek input on the development of potentially preventable readmission (PPR) measures for post-acute care (PAC). On October 14, 2015, the TEP reconvened via webinar for a follow-up workgroup meeting, during which the TEP provided additional feedback on the revised PPR definition and measure specifications. This work was conducted for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).  As part of its measure development process, CMS asks contractors to convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to measure contractors during measure development. This report provides a summary of the Technical Expert Panel.

The TEP summary document for the potentially preventable readmissions measure can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

March 28, 2016

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014 was signed into law on October 6, 2014.1 This Act requires Post-Acute Care (PAC) providers to report standardized patient assessment data and quality measure data to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with Abt Associates and RTI International to develop a cross-setting PAC measure for the quality measure domain—medication reconciliation. The contract names are Development and Maintenance of Symptom Management Measures (contract number HHSM-500-2013-13015I) and Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Quality Measure Development and Maintenance Project (contract number HHSM-500-2013- 13001I, Task Order HHSM-500T0002). As part of its measure development process, CMS asks contractors to convene groups of stakeholders and experts who contribute direction and thoughtful input to the measure contractor during measure development and maintenance.

The public comment summary document for the Drug Regimen Review quality measure can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

March 28, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with Acumen, LLC to develop the MSPB-PAC measures.  The contract name is Calculating Episode-Based Costs from the Medicare Episode Grouper for Physician Feedback.  The contract number is HHSM-500-2011-000121.  As part of its measure development process, CMS requested interested parties to submit comments on the candidate or concept measures that may be suitable for this project. The goal of this project is to develop resource use measures for PAC settings as mandated by the Improving Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act). These measures apply to skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health agencies (HHAs), long-term care hospitals (LTCHs), and inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) and will be reported in each respective PAC setting’s quality reporting program (QRP).

The public comment summary document for the Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary measure can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

March 08, 2016

On June 26, 2016, CMS will take part in a complimentary pre-Summit session at the 2016 Long Term & Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Health IT Summit to be held at the Hyatt Regency, Reston Town Center in Reston, Virginia from June 26-28, 2016.  CMS will offer information on the IMPACT Act and Assessment Data Element Standardization, Quality Measurement, and Interoperability.  Speakers will include CMS experts, a representative from the Office of the National Coordinator, and private sector experts knowledgeable about health IT, health information exchange, and assessment data elements.  Registration for this event can be found at: Please note space is limited.

March 07, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a National Provider Call (NPC) for PAC providers, health IT vendors, healthcare industry professionals, and other interested stakeholders.  

National Provider Call: IMPACT Act: Data Element Library Call Thursday April 14, 2016 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time Participant Dial-In Number and ID: Provided after registering in the link provided below.   Conference Call Only.

During this call, CMS subject matter experts will discuss the development of the Data Element Library. A question and answer session will follow the presentation, including an opportunity for registrants to provide feedback on the Library. The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation  (IMPACT) ACT requires the reporting of standardized patient assessment data by Post-Acute Care (PAC) providers, including skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, and long-term care hospitals. It specifies that certain data elements must be standardized and interoperable to allow for the exchange and use of data among these PAC and other providers to facilitate coordinated care and improved beneficiary outcomes.


  • Data Element Library: details, purpose, and overview of content
  • Type of Library information that could be publicly available
  • Value of reusing standardized data elements
  • Updates on upcoming stakeholder engagement activities

Call Materials: A link to the slide presentation will be posted to this page prior to the call. A link to the audio recording and written transcript of this call will be posted to this web page in approximately 2 weeks following the call.

Registration: To register for an MLN Connects Call, please visit the MLN Connects Event Registration website.

Registration Assistance:

  • Review the Frequently Asked Questions page.
  • If you need additional assistance with registration, please email us at cms
  • To request TTY services, please email no later than 3 business days before the event.

Questions or Comments can be submitted to

February 29, 2016

IMPACT Act at the 2015 CMS Quality Conference

We invite you to watch our new video on the CMS YouTube Channel:

  • To view the video detail page click here
  • IMPACT Act at the 2015 CMS Quality Conference(video)

Description: You can watch the newest video on the IMPACT Act from the 2015 CMS Quality Conference. This short video was filmed during the December 2015 CMS Quality Conference in Baltimore, MD where our team joined more than 1,250 thought leaders in American health care quality improvement, a premier learning and action event organized and led by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Among the many educational plenaries and presentations that took place during this three-day conference, the CMS IMPACT Act Team held an interactive session (Achieving data standardization across PAC settings through the IMPACT Act) attended by participants from many sectors within the healthcare field. Please take a moment to view this video and hear various industry leaders share their thoughts on the relevance and importance of the IMPACT Act in today’s healthcare delivery environment.

February 22, 2016

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (the IMPACT Act) mandates the development of “discharge to community” resource use measures for each of the following post-acute care (PAC) settings: skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), long-term care hospitals (LTCHs), and home health agencies (HHAs). These measures are being developed by RTI International and Abt Associates under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The contract names are Development and Maintenance of Symptom Management Measures (HHSM-500-2013-13015I; Task Order HHSM-500-T0001) and Outcome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS) Quality Measure Development and Maintenance (HHSM-500-2013-13001I; Task Order HHSM-500-T0002).  

As part of the measure development process, RTI International and Abt Associates convened a technical expert panel (TEP) to gather expert input on the development and direction of this measure. Three TEP meetings were held; an all-day in-person meeting in Baltimore, MD on August 25, 2015, and two follow-up webinar meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to gather input on the specifications for the discharge to community measures in preparation for their use in Medicare quality reporting programs. The TEP members offered a range of clinical, research, and administrative expertise, including expertise across the four PAC settings, and knowledge of performance measurement with regard to discharge to community.  

The TEP summary document for the Discharge to Community-Post Acute Care measure can be found on the “Downloads and Videos” link on the left hand side of this page.

February 09, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host an IMPACT Act Learning Series Session for Medicare beneficiaries, patient advocate groups, and other interested stakeholders. Subject matter experts will discuss the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014.

IMPACT Act Learning Series: Overview of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act) Webinar Thursday February 11, 2016 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Eastern Time Audio Conference Details: Provided after registering in the link provided below. 

 The IMPACT Act, through transformation and the use of standardized data, will improve the long-term outcomes of beneficiaries receiving post-acute services across different care setting that include Long-Term Care Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health Agencies, and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities. This Learning Series session will provide participants with an understanding of the IMPACT Act, its purpose, and importance for the modernization of the national healthcare system to facilitate coordinated care and improved Medicare beneficiary outcomes through their care continuum. Information on opportunities for engagement and participation will also be provided.

Comments can be submitted to

To register for this webinar, please click the webinar link below:   Webinar Link  

If you need additional assistance with registration, please email us

We look forward to your participation.

February 04, 2016

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a National Provider Call (NPC) for SNFs, IRFs, LTCHs, HHAs, and other interested stakeholders. Subject matter experts will discuss the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014.

National Provider Call: The IMPACT Act of 2014 and post-acute care assessment data elements standardization Thursday February 04, 2016 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time Participant Dial-In Number and ID: Provided after registering in the link provided below.   Conference Call Only.

During this National Provider Call, participants will have the opportunity to learn about the IMPACT Act and its requirement that CMS standardize and make interoperable certain post-acute care assessment data elements used in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), home health agencies (HHAs), inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs), and long-term care hospitals (LTCHs).

CMS subject matter experts will describe the ability to re-use data elements needed for safe and effective care used for a variety of activities such as transitions in care, care planning, and other activities.  A primer on health IT standards will be presented that will show how such standards support interoperable health information exchange and re-use. Additionally, an example of electronic health information exchange involving long-term/post-acute care providers will be shared. Participants will also learn about CMS activities to link assessment data elements to health IT standards and disseminate this information to the public. 

To register for this call, please visit: You will receive an email immediately after registering for this MLN Connects Call that will include the participant dial-in information. If you need additional assistance with registration, please email us at

To request TTY services, please email no later than 3 business days before the event. We look forward to your participation.

February 01, 2016

Special Open Door Forum Understanding the IMPACT Act - Measure Alignment and IMPACT Outcomes Tuesday, February 2, 2016 2:00 -3:30 pm Eastern Time Conference Call Only

The purpose of this SODF call is to provide information and solicit feedback pertaining on the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the IMPACT Act).  The IMPACT Act mandates the standardization of patient assessment data across post-acute care settings including Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health Agencies, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, and Long Term Care Hospitals in order to improve quality of care and quality of life. This Special Open Door Forum will offer discussion on the history of the IMPACT Act, including discussion of what is the IMPACT Act, how CMS is standardizing quality measures, and what is the Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Reporting Program (commonly referred to as the SNF QRP).  This SODF will serve as a platform to update consumers, stakeholders, and advocates alike on CMS’s work around the IMPACT Act.

We invite questions from patients, consumers and consumer advocates in advance, or during the Forum.

Please submit questions to  You may follow along during the call by downloading the Power Point slides located on the IMPACT Act Downloads and Videos webpage.

If you wish to participate, please dial: Participant Dial-In Number: 1-800-837-1935 Conference ID #: 17589814

We look forward to your participation.

Note: TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired.  For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880.  A Relay Communications Assistant will help.

A transcript and audio recording of this Special ODF will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at /OpenDoorForums/05_ODF_SpecialODF.asp for downloading.                  

For automatic emails of Open Door Forum schedule updates (E-Mailing list subscriptions) and to view Frequently Asked Questions, please visit our website at /opendoorforums/ . Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.


Past Events and Updates

October 27, 2015 Announcement:

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Special Open Door Forum: Understanding the IMPACT Act- Patient and Family Focused for Informed Decision Making Tuesday, October 27, 2015 2:00 -3:30 pm Eastern Time Conference Call Only

The purpose of this SODF call is allow patients, families, patient advocacy groups, disabled groups, and low-income health patients to provide information and to solicit feedback on the introduction of The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act (commonly called the IMPACT Act). The IMPACT Act requires that patient assessment data used in post-acute care settings (i.e., Skilled Nursing Facilities, Home Health Agencies, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities, and Long Term Care Hospitals) be standardized to improve quality of care. The Act also supports the interoperable exchange of assessment data across post-acute care settings and other providers to facilitate coordinated care and improved beneficiary outcomes.

This Special Open Door Forum will provide background on the IMPACT Act, The IMPACT Act website, and other important consumer information in assessing patients in the post-acute care setting. We invite questions from patients, families, consumers and consumer advocates in advance, or during the Forum.

The Power Point slides for the call are available in the Downloads section: Understanding the IMPACT Act - Patient and Family Focused for Informed Decision Making.

We look forward to your participation.

Special Open Door Participation Instructions: Participant Dial-In Number: (800) 837-1935 Conference ID #: 62977603

Note: TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.

A transcript and audio recording of this Special ODF will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at /OpenDoorForums/05_ODF_SpecialODF.asp for downloading.

For automatic emails of Open Door Forum schedule updates (E-Mailing list subscriptions) and to view Frequently Asked Questions, please visit our website at /opendoorforums/ 

Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.


October 14, 2015 Announcement:

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will host a National Provider Call (NPC) for SNFs, IRFs, LTCHs, HHAs, and other interested stakeholders. Subject matter experts will discuss the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014.

October 21, 2015 Announcement:

National Provider Call: The IMPACT Act of 2014 and Data Standardization Wednesday October 21, 2015 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Time Participant Dial-In Number and ID: Provided after registering in the link provided below. Conference Call Only.

The IMPACT Act, through transformation and the use of standardized data, will improve the long-term outcomes of beneficiaries receiving post-acute services across the nation. This call includes information on opportunities for provider participation and stakeholder engagement. The call will be more meaningful if you read the entire Act, since there are multiple sections that apply to each setting.

To register for this call, please visit: You will receive an email immediately after registering for this MLN Connects Call that will include the participant dial-in information.

If you need additional assistance with registration, please email us at

To request TTY services, please email no later than 3 business days before the event.

We look forward to your participation

April 16, 2015 Announcement:

The Summary of Feedback from the Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Regarding Cross-Setting Measures Aligned with the IMPACT Act of 2014 report On October 6, 2014, President Obama signed the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (the IMPACT Act). The Act requires the development of cross-setting quality measures, including the following settings: Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home Health Agencies (HHAs) and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs).

In order to implement the IMPACT Act, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) contracted with RTI International and Abt Associates to identify, develop, and maintain post-acute care cross-setting quality measures for the IRF, LTCH, SNF, and HHA settings. As part of the quality measure development work, RTI, in partnership with Abt Associates, convened a technical expert panel (TEP) via webinar on February 3, 2015. Additional feedback on specific issues raised during the TEP meeting was sought from TEP members via email following the webinar. The purpose of this cross-setting TEP meeting was to gather input on three cross-setting measures identified as potential measures to meet the requirements of the IMPACT Act. A specific focus of this TEP was to ensure that the measures accurately address concerns from stakeholders from different care settings.

Three cross-setting quality measures were discussed:

  1. National Quality Forum (NQF) #0678: Percentage of Residents or Patients with Pressure Ulcers That Are New or Worsened (Short Stay) 2. An Application of NQF #0674: Percentage of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury (Long Stay) 3. An Application of Percentage of Long-Term Care Hospital Patients with an Admission and Discharge Functional Assessment and a Care Plan That Addresses Function (NQF #2631; under NQF review)

This report summarizes discussions amongst TEP members during the February 3, 2015 meeting as well as TEP member responses to specific questions, emailed to TEP members, after the meeting. The report: “Summary of Feedback from the Technical Expert Panel (TEP) Regarding Cross-Setting Measures Aligned with the IMPACT Act of 2014” can be found in the Downloads section at the bottom of this page.

Comments, feedback and questions may be submitted to our mail box:

The IMPACT Act of 2014 can be found at:

You can find additional information about the IMPACT Act by visiting the Post Acute Care Quality Initiatives webpage at: /Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Post-Acute-Care-Quality-Initiatives/PAC-Quality-Initiatives



March 19, 2015

List of Ad Hoc Measures Under Consideration (MUC) for the Improving Medicare Post ‐Acute Care Transformation (IMPACT) Act of 2014:

CMS issued an Ad Hoc List of Measures under Consideration (MUC) to comply with the IMPACT Act of 2014. The IMPACT Act of 2014 requires the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to implement quality measures that are standardized across four settings: Long‐Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs), Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), and Home Health Agencies (HHAs). These streamlined measures will facilitate the comparison of outcomes across these four post‐acute care settings. The Ad Hoc MUC list can be found in the Downloads section at the bottom of this page.

February 19, 2015

Special Open Door Forum:

Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act of 2014)
Wednesday February 25, 2015 1:30-2:30 PM Eastern Time
Participant Dial-In Number: 1-800-837-1935 Conference ID #: 90762447 Conference Call Only

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service will host a Special Open Door Forum (SODF) call to provide an overview of standardized data in relation to the quality measures and standardized assessment domains required under the IMPACT Act of 2014.

The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act of 2014) was passed on September 18, 2014. The IMPACT Act, in general, states that the Secretary shall require the submission of standardized data (with domains as specified) using assessments submitted to CMS by Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCH), Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF), Home Health Agencies (HHA) and Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities (IRF). It further requires the submission of standardized data using such assessments for use in the quality measures for which the Act specifies five domains. It further requires that data be submitted on measures related to resource use, and other categories.

The IMPACT Act states that the data “… be standardized and interoperable so as to allow for the exchange of such data among such post-acute care providers and other providers and the use by such providers of such data that has been so exchanged, including by using common standards and definitions in order to provide access to longitudinal information for such providers to facilitate coordinated care and improved Medicare beneficiary outcomes…” The data as required by the IMPACT Act is intended to enable high quality, person-centered care.

This session will provide a high level overview of the requirements related to the use of standardized data for both the quality measures and the assessment instrument domains

• Comments can be submitted to
• The IMPACT Act of 2014 can be found at:

You can find additional information about the IMPACT Act by visiting the Post-Acute Care Quality Initiatives webpage at: /Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Post-Acute-Care-Quality-Initiatives/PAC-Quality-Initiatives

We look forward to your participation.

Note: TTY Communications Relay Services are available for the Hearing Impaired. For TTY services dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-855-2880. A Relay Communications Assistant will help.

A transcript and audio recording of this Special ODF will be posted to the Special Open Door Forum website at /OpenDoorForums/05_ODF_SpecialODF.asp for downloading.

For automatic emails of Open Door Forum schedule updates (E-Mailing list subscriptions) and to view Frequently Asked Questions please visit our website at /opendoorforums/ .

Thank you for your interest in CMS Open Door Forums.

Comments, feedback and questions may be submitted to our mail box:

The IMPACT Act of 2014 can be found at:

You can find additional information about the IMPACT Act by visiting the Post-Acute Care Quality Initiatives webpage at: /Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/Post-Acute-Care-Quality-Initiatives/PAC-Quality-Initiatives


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