Manage Your Chronic Condition
Chronic conditions can impact your everyday life and often require additional care and regular doctor’s visits. Understanding your coverage and what resources are out there can help you manage a chronic condition like diabetes among others.
FAQs for Manage Your Chronic Condition
I have a chronic condition and am covered under Medicare. What services are available to me?
- Answer
Chronic care management (CCM) services may include personalized assistance from a dedicated health care professional, 24/7 emergency access to a health care professional, and coordination of care between your pharmacy, specialists, testing centers, and hospitals. Read our Chronic Care Management fact sheet (PDF) to learn more.
What is CCM?
- Answer
CCM, or chronic care management, is a collection of resources available to Medicare beneficiaries with two or more chronic conditions. Our Introduction to Chronic Care Management video explains.
I have diabetes and am covered by either a Marketplace plan or Medicare. What resources are available to me?
- Answer
Check out our Managing Diabetes: Coverage & Resources fact sheet (PDF) for tips and tools to help manage your condition and care.
Managing Diabetes: Coverage & Resources — English (PDF)
This fact sheet includes tips to help patients manage diabetes as well as information on cost-saving programs and Medicare coverage of medications, testing, and supplies.
- Available in 8 languages
Chronic Care Management fact sheet — English (PDF)
CCM services covered by Medicare include personalized assistance from a dedicated health care professional, 24/7 emergency access to a health care professional, and coordination of care between your pharmacy, specialists, testing centers, and hospitals. Download this fact sheet to learn the benefits of CCM.
- Available in 9 languages
Introduction to Chronic Care Management Animated Video — English (PDF)
Watch this video to understand the benefits of chronic care management (CCM) in Medicare.