Measure Developers

Quality Measures & You: Measure Developers

The measure developer plays a key role in supporting CMS’ priorities planning and clinical quality measures. It is important for measure developers to be knowledgeable about how CMS plans its measure development and maintenance activities so that the appropriate measures are developed and maintained based on the priorities established by CMS, and measure harmonization and alignment are achieved to the greatest degree possible. CMS provides tools, such as the Blueprint, to support measure developers to consistently produce high-caliber, person-centered measures that are suitable for consensus review and endorsement, and are developed in a transparent manner with stakeholder input.

Defining Measure Developers:

Measure developers are responsible for the development, implementation, and maintenance of measures. Measure developers create, edit, and submit measures for consideration by CMS to include in programs. CMS encourages developers to use the Blueprint as a guide in creating their measures and to collaborate with other measure developers to share best practices/new learnings freely.

Why You Should Get Involved:                                        

Collaborating with CMS and other measure developers ensures that best practices and knowledge are shared to continuously streamline and improve the measure development process. It also ensures that you are aware of the latest information and guidance available and know the needs and priorities of the programs. CMS continually re-examines the measures in its programs to ensure continued importance to measure and report, harmonization, and progress in addressing performance gaps in the six (6) domains of the National and CMS Quality Strategies and other priority planning documents like the CMS Quality Measure Development Plan. Engagement between measure developers and measure developers and CMS helps advance measure portfolios across CMS programs.

Ways to Get Involved:

There are many ways to get involved. This website provides the tools you need to develop measures, everything from discussion of the priorities and needs to access to guidance, tools and forms. One example is the CMS Quality Measures Inventory which has been expanded to include measures under development, and also includes measures under consideration in addition to measures currently in use. Checking the inventory and becoming familiar with the measures in use will also promote measure harmonization activities. Explore the measures education section of the site for more information.

Another way to stay informed and involved is to review the material posted on the Webinars and Presentations page. You can also subscribe to the MMS listserv to receive the monthly newsletter with articles and information on measure development and notifications on current opportunities.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:01 PM