Office of Financial Management

Office of Financial Management

Deborah Taylor, Director & Chief Financial Officer

Gerald Walters, Deputy Director 

Business Operations Staff - Eileen Kalwa, Director

Budget & Analysis Group - Megan Worstell, Director
Division of Program Budget - Elizabeth Mack, Director
Division of  Budget & Presentation - Vacant, Director
Division of Administrative Budget & Execution - Jeff Clark, Director

Accounting Management Group - Maria Montilla, Director
Division of Accounting Operations - Dennis Czulewicz, Director
Division of Accounting Systems - Kurt Pleines, Director
Division of Financial Reporting, Policy & Oversight - Latayshia Lance, Director
Division of Premium Billing & Collections - Pete Kelchner, Director

Financial Services Group - Charlotte Benson, Acting Director
Division of Financial Strategies & Evaluation - Ed Berends, Director
Division of Provider Audit Operations - Mark Korpela, Director
Division of Medicare Debt Management - Deborah Parzynski, Director
Division of Medicare Benefit Coordination - John Albert, Acting Director
Division of Capitated Plan Audits - Tanette Downs, Director

Financial Management Systems Group - Janet Vogel, Director
Division of Program & Support Systems - Michael O'Leary, Director
Division of Financial Applications Systems - Bernice Pendley, Director
Division of Program & Data Management - Gina Perantoni, Director
Division of Technical Operations - Elaine Wigginton, Director

Provider Compliance Group - George Mills, Director
Division of Medical Review & Education - Latesha Walker, Director
Division of Error Rate Measurement - Cynthia D'Annunzio, Director
Division of Data Analysis - Kevin Young, Acting Director
Division of Recovery Audit Operations - Connie Leonard, Director

Functional Statement

• Serves as the Chief Financial Officer and Comptroller for CMS.

• Formulates, presents and executes all CMS budget accounts; develops outlay plans and tracks contract and grant award amounts; acts as liaison with the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on budget estimates; reviews demonstration waivers (except 1115) for revenue neutrality. Is responsible for ensuring that the budget is formulated in accordance with CMS' strategic plan and the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals and performance measures.

• Acts as liaison with Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the Congressional appropriations committees for all matters concerning CMS' operating budget.

• Manages the Medicare financial management system, the Medicare contractors' budgets, Quality Improvement Organizations' budgets, research budgets, managed care payments, the issuance of State Medicaid grants, and the funding of the State survey/certification and the Clinical Laboratory and Improvement Act programs. Is responsible for all CMS disbursements.

• Performs cash management activities and establishes and maintains systems to control the obligation of funds and ensure that the Anti-Deficiency Act is not violated.

• Performs CMS' debt management activities (e.g., accounts receivable, user fees, penalties, disallowances).

• Reconciles all CMS financial data and prepares external reports to other agencies such as DHHS, Treasury, OMB, Internal Revenue Service, General Services Administration, related to CMS' obligations, expenditures, prompt payment activities, debt and cash management, and other administrative functions.

• Working with other CMS components, develops CMS policies governing both Medicare Secondary Payer and Medicaid Third Party Liability.

• Develops and implements all civil money penalty policies in all programs.

• Prepares financial statements for Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act and GPRA.



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09/10/2024 06:06 PM