Data Collection for Open Payments Reporting Entities

Data Collection

Open Payments Data is reported across three main categories:

  • General - Payments or other transfers of value not made in connection with a research agreement.
  • Research - Payments or other transfers of value made in connection with a research agreement.
  • Ownership/Investment - Ownership or investment interests include, but are not limited to stock, stock options (other than those received as compensation, until they are exercised), partnership shares, and limited liability company memberships.

Reporting entities must collect and submit the following information about all general, research, or ownership/investment payments:

  • A submission file that contains metadata elements collected. A submission file is not required for manual entries. Reporting entities only include a submission file for bulk uploads. Read the Submission Data Mapping Document (XLSX) for more information.
  • Recipient or physician demographics that identifies the recipient of the payment, transfer of value, or ownership/investment interest.
    • Collected for general, research, and ownership/investment records
  • Associated drug, device, biological, or medical supply that identifies the drug, device, biological or medical supply that is related to the general or research payment or other transfer of value.
    • Collected for both general and research payments
  • Payment or other transfer of value that specifies information regarding the general or research payment or other transfer of value.
    • Collected for both general and research payments
  • General record information captures contextual general information about the payment or other transfer of value.
    • Collected for general payments only
  • Research-related information includes information about payments or other transfers of value for research activities.
    • Collected for research payments only
  • Ownership or investment information captures information about the ownership or investment, such as the dollar amount invested and value of interest.
    • Collected for ownership/investment transactions only

Reporting Thresholds

There are specific key thresholds that reporting entities must follow. These key reporting thresholds are adjusted annually based on the consumer price index.

For a calendar year (January 1 – December 31), if a small payment or other transfer of value is less than the minimum amount listed below, it is excluded from the reporting requirements under Open Payments. However, if the amount transferred to, requested by, or designated on behalf of a covered recipient exceeds an aggregate total annual amount for the calendar year, all payments or other transfers of value must be reported.

Current Reporting Thresholds – Program Year 2024

Data Collection PeriodSmall Payment or Other Transfer of Value that must be reportedTotal Annual Amount of Payments or Transfers of Value that must be reported
January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024$13.07$130.66

Previous Program Years’ Reporting Thresholds

Program YearData Collection PeriodSmall Payment or Other Transfer of Value AmountTotal Annual Amount of Payments or Transfers of Value


January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023



2022January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022$11.64$116.35
2021January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021$11.04$110.40
2020January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020$10.97$109.69
2019January 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019$10.79$107.91
2018January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018$10.49$104.90
2017January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017$10.32$103.22
2016January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016$10.22$102.19
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:21 PM