Open Payments Program Participants

Program Participants

There are two groups of participants in the Open Payments program. Reporting entities include applicable manufacturers and group purchasing organizations, or drug and medical device companies. Covered recipients include:

  • Any physicians (with the exception of medical residents) who are not employees of the reporting entity
  • Certain non-physicians
  • Teaching hospitals that receive payments for Medicare direct graduate medical education (GME), inpatient prospective payment system (IPPS) indirect medical education (IME), or psychiatric hospital IME programs

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities for each group:

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Reporting Entities

Reporting entities – applicable manufacturers and group purchasing organizations – must submit yearly reports of payments made to covered recipients. Find all you need to know to submit your data.

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Covered Recipients

As a covered recipient, you have the opportunity to review and dispute information reported about you in the Open Payments System. Access information and resources specifically for you.

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Stay Connected

Sign up for the Open Payments email alerts to stay on top of Open Payments news from CMS. Contact the Help Desk with questions.

Program Expansion

Open Payments expanded in 2021 to include five new covered recipient types. Visit the Newly Added Covered Recipients page for more information.

For information about changes that will affect Applicable Manufacturers and Group Purchasing Organizations, visit the Changes for Reporting Entities page.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:01 PM