CMI Version 5.12A

CMI Version 5.12A

This Case Mix Index (CMI) version is for use with RUG-III Grouper Versions 5.12 and 5.12B. CMI Version 5.12A includes 4 sets of final CMIs including the sets required for use in Medicare PPS being implemented nationally on July 1, 1998.

NOTE: A preliminary draft set of CMIs was inadvertently posted in this area until 06/18/1998. These preliminary draft CMIs have been replaced with the final CMIs for use in PPS. If you have used the preliminary draft CMIs in software you are developing, please convert to the final CMIs available below. Also note that the CMI sets available with the RUG-III Version 5.12 "grouper" program have always been the final CMIs and not preliminary draft CMIs. If you used the CMIs contained in a Version 5.12 or 5.12B "grouper" download file, then no conversion is necessary.

Each of the CMI sets is referenced by a control code (A01, A02, B01, and B02 for the 4 final CMI sets included with RUG-III Versions 5.12 and 5.12B). Each of the 4 final CMI sets is briefly described below with a more detailed description and actual CMI values available in the download file MDSCMIA.TXT.

  • CMI Set A01. Set A01 is appropriate for RUG-III classification of Medicare PPS residents in Rural facilities. This set is a final set for use with the Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) to be implemented nationally on 07/01/1998. This set is based on nursing time, rehabilitation time, and selected ancillary costs.
  • CMI Set A02. Set A02 is appropriate for RUG-III classification of Medicare PPS residents in Urban facilities. This set is a final set for use with the Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) to be implemented nationally on 07/01/1998. This set is based on nursing time, rehabilitation time, and selected ancillary costs.
  • CMI Set B01. Set B01 is appropriate for 34 group RUG-III classification for State Medicaid payment, acuity tracking by facility, or other research purposes. This set is based on nursing time only. In set B01, CMI's for the 14 rehabilitation groups from the 44 group model (RUC, RUB, RUA, RVC, RVB, RVA, RHC, RHB, RHA, RMC, RMB, RMA, RLB, and RLA) are not present (values are all 0).
  • CMI Set B02. Set B02 is appropriate for 44 group RUG-III classification for acuity tracking by facility or other research purposes. This set and the 44 group model of versions 5.12 or 5.12B are NOT appropriate for Medicaid payment purposes. This set is based on nursing time only. In set B02, CMI's for the 4 rehabilitation groups from the 34 group model (RAD, RAC, RAB, and RAA) are not present (values are all 0).
  • The Downloads section contains documentation and actual CMI values for 4 final CMI sets to be used for RUG-III Version 5.12 classification.
Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:04 PM