Data Specifications Version 1.30 Correction 1
Correction 1 to Data Specifications Version 1.30 (04/07/2005)
Correction 1 to Version 1.30 of the MDS Data Specifications correct the following 3 errors in those data specifications:
- Item W1, the National Provider ID, is active on all data records (assessments, discharges, reentries, and inactivations). The original data specifications incorrectly defined this item as inactive on reentries (RecType R) and blank on inactivations (RecType X). This error occurred in the following documents:
- Page 229 of the detailed data specifications for the MDS Data Record (file = d_dt130.pdf)
- The record for item W1 (ID = 925) in the Body_Record_Definition table of the Access database (file = mds130.mdb).
- The entry for item W1 (row 691) in the Excel spreadsheet for the MDS Data Record specifications (file = MDS_D130.xls
- The rows in the Excel spreadsheet for the abbreviated MDS Data Record specifications (file = MDS_D130.xls) were not in the correct order.
- The rows in the Excel spreadsheet for the abbreviated MDS Header Record specifications (file = MDS_H130.xls) were not in the correct order.
The errors have been corrected in the documents released with Correction 1 to version 1.30 of the MDS Data Specifications.
There are two download files available with correction 1 to Version 1.30
The first is a compressed ZIP file containing 5 documents. The 5 components of this file are:
- d_dt130c1.pdf. This is the detailed data record specifications with the error on page 229 corrected (243 pages).
- d_dt130c1_p229.pdf. This is the single corrected page 229 from the detailed data record specifications (1 page).
- MDS_D130c1.xls. This is the corrected Excel spreadsheet for the abbreviated MDS Data Record specifications with the rows in the correct order.
- MDS_H130c1.xls. This is the corrected Excel spreadsheet for the abbreviated MDS Header Record specifications with the rows in the correct order.
- C1_MDS130.doc. A document describing the corrections with Correction 1 (2 pages).
The second is a compressed ZIP file containing the corrected Access database file (mds130c1.mdb) used to generate Version 1.30 of the data specifications. The record for W1 has been corrected in this database.
Data Specifications Version 1.30 Correction 1 5 files (ZIP 935KB) (ZIP) -
Data Specifications Version 1.30 Correction 1 Database (ZIP 242KB) (ZIP)