Enterprise Data Planning
Enterprise data planning is a strategy for CMS business-focused data standardization. Its objective is to strengthen the agency's ability to manage and share data and information.
Note :There are references within this section that refer the reader to the Operating Procedures and Guidelines section. Please download the Operating Procedures and Guidelines section to view these references.
The major Enterprise Data Planning products are:
- Enterprise data objects in the form of Subject Areas and Enterprise Data Entities (Supertypes); and Enterprise Attributes (Data Elements); and
- Information Security Category settings that establish the controls for appropriate use of CMS data resources.
The Enterprise Data Planning process diagramdepicts the milestones, control points, and deliverables as they occur during the following steps:
- Initiate Enterprise Data Planning
- Define Enterprise Subject Areas
- Model Enterprise Data
- Assign Information Security Categories
- Create the EDM Metadata Repository
- Publish the Enterprise Data Model
- Activities in this process are directed by the CMS Enterprise Data Architecture Approach
Key Deliverables:
The Enterprise Data Planning process creates the following deliverables:
- Business Process Model
- Enterprise Subject Area Definitions,
- Subject Area Create Read Update Delete Archive (CRUDA) Matrix,
- Enterprise Data Model,
- Enterprise Metadata Repository,
- Business Terms,
- Enterprise Data Architecture for Repository update.
Please refer to the download section to receive the complete documentation.
Enterprise Data Planning (PDF)