ICD-10 Training Segments
On January 16, 2009, the Department of Health and Human Services released the HIPAA Administrative Simplification: Modifications to Medical Data Code Set Standards to Adopt ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Final Rule (CMS-0013-F). The compliance date for implementation of the ICD-10-CM/PCS Coding System is October 1, 2013 for all covered entities. The final and proposed rules (CMS-0013-P) can be accessed by scrolling down to Related Links Inside CMS below and selecting the Transactions and Code Sets Regulations link.
To facilitate in the effective implementation of ICD-10 by States, CMS has developed an ICD-10 training package for State Medicaid agencies. The completed package includes twelve training segments that address Federal requirements and other aspects of ICD-10 implementation. It is a high level review, intended primarily for State Medicaid managers, that focuses on assessment and planning, and not the "nuts and bolts" of implementation.
The twelve segments are titled as follows:
What Is ICD-10?
Regulatory Requirements
Benefits of Using ICD-10
Further Movement Along the MITA Roadmap – Use of Clinical Data and Interoperability
Effective Implementation of ICD-10
Potential Programmatic and Technical Problems
Impact on MITA Business Processes
Forming the Implementation Team
The Implementation Team that Gets It Right
Where Are You In This Process and Timeline?
Partner and Vendor Considerations
Post Compliance Date Actions and Education and Training Processes
Click on the Downloads link below for these training segments.
Training Workshop Schedule (PDF) -
ICD-10 Training Segments (ZIP) -
Medicaid ICD-10 Implementation Assistance Handbook Artifacts (ZIP)