Air Ambulance Data Collection (AADC)

Air Ambulance Data Collection (AADC)

Under section 106 of the No Surprises Act, air ambulance providers, insurance companies, and employer-based health plans must submit to federal regulators information about air ambulance services provided to consumers. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) is conducting this Air Ambulance data collection (AADC), which will be used to develop a public report on air ambulance services.

The proposed rules describing the proposed form and manner of the data collection can be found at this link. The final rules will specify the final reporting requirements, including the data elements and the deadlines for the data collection. The data collection will not begin until after the final rules are published. This page will be updated when the rules are finalized and more information on data collection is available.


HIOS Manuals


If you want to receive an email when the AADC resources are updated, create or sign in to your Registration for Technical Assistance Portal (REGTAP) account at Select the checkbox "Please send me updates for the Consolidated Appropriations Act / No Surprises Act" in your account settings.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:13 PM