Section 3207(f) of the American Relief Act, 2025 extended the use of telehealth by a hospice physician or hospice nurse practitioner to conduct a face-to-face encounter for the sole purpose of hospice recertification. This extension is through March 31, 2025. This constitutes a temporary change in the regulations at 42 CFR 418.22(a)(4)(ii).
The FY 2025 Hospice final rule correction notice was released on October 1, 2024. The correction notice corrects technical and typographical errors in the final rule that appeared in the August 6, 2024 Federal Register. The provisions in the correction document are effective as if they had been included in the final rule that appeared in the August 6, 2024 Federal Register. Accordingly, the corrections became effective October 1, 2024.
Starting October 1, 2024, hospices that provide services in certain counties must use a transition code (500XX codes) on hospice claims instead of the rural area or CBSA code in circumstances where a county was redesignated into a new CBSA or rural area and has a different wage index than the constituent counties that make up that CBSA or rural area due to the 5-percent cap on wage index decreases policy. Table 8 of the FY 2025 Hospice final rule (89 FR 64221) lists these counties that will require a transition code beginning in FY 2025. However, FIPS 09150 Northeastern Connecticut planning region was inadvertently left off the list. We are in the process of issuing a correction notice in the federal register to update Table 8 with the correct transition code for the Northeastern Connecticut planning region. Please check the Hospice Center webpage as we will update here once the correction notice has been issued.
FY 2025 Hospice Final Rule
In the FY 2025 hospice final rule, the hospice wage index, payment rates, and aggregate cap amount are updated. Additionally, this rule adopts the most recent Office of Management and Budget statistical area delineations, which will impact the hospice wage index. This rule clarifies current policy related to the “election statement” and the “notice of election”, as well as adds clarifying language regarding hospice certification and includes a technical regulation text change to the Conditions of Participation. This rule finalizes changes to the Hospice Quality Reporting Program. Finally, this rule summarizes comments received regarding potential implementation of a separate payment mechanism to account for high intensity palliative care services.
Hospice Monitoring Report
The Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) hospice benefit provides palliative services for pain and symptom management, as well as emotional and spiritual supportive services, to beneficiaries who are terminally ill with a prognosis of six months or less. Within this monitoring report (PDF) we examine who is using the Medicare FFS hospice benefit and how it is being used. Specifically, we focus on hospice utilization from Federal Fiscal Years (FYs) 2019 – 2023.
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