Medigap Bulletins - 2003 and 2004
This section provides copies of Medigap bulletins released by CMS from 2003 to June 2004. These bulletins address CMS' interpretation of statutory requirements and provisions related to Medigap. The bulletins also address the responsibilities of the Medigap issuers, rights of Medicare beneficiaries to purchase a Medigap policy, responsibilities of a Medigap issuer for paying claims, as well as other topics of interest.
Medigap Issuers' Payment Responsibilities Under the Long-Term Care Hospital PPS, Transmittal 03-01, April 2003 (PDF, 223KB) (PDF) -
Interaction between COBRA and Medigap Guaranteed Issue Requirements in Situations Involving Termination of Employer Group Coverage, Transmittal 03-02, May 2003 (PDF, 52KB) (PDF) -
Medigap Coverage of Prescription Drugs or Biologicals Under a Replacement Drug Demonstration Authorized by Section 641(a) of the MMA, Transmittal 04-02, June 2004 (PDF, 25KB) (PDF) -
Medigap Guaranteed Issue Requirements in Situations Involving Termination of Group Health Plan Coverage Because the Employee Retires, Transmittal 04-01, March 2004 (PDF, 208KB) (PDF)