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This section provides information and updates regarding policy clarifications relating to PACE. Often this information is time-sensitive. CMS recommends that those interested in keeping abreast of current information periodically check this section for new material.
The documents available for downloading are below:
- CMS Policy for Level II External Reporting
- CMS Policy on PACE Coverage Outside the U.S.
- CMS Policy on Notification of Alternative Care Settings
- Notice for Solicitation of Proposals for For-Profit PACE Demonstrations
New, the week of April 20, 2009, is the Interim Report to Congress on the quality and cost of the PACE program. There are two companion documents published by Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., accompanying the Report to Congress, that are not available in a format suitable for online posting. To receive a copy of the report entitled "The Effects of PACE on Medicare and Medicaid Expenditures", or the report entitled "The Effect of the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) on Quality", please contact Fred Thomas at 410-786-6675, or
HPMS Memo - Nurse Practitioner Guidance, 6/25/10 (PDF) -
Services Outside the US (PDF) -
Alternative Care Settings (PDF) -
Report to Congress (PDF) -
For Profit Solicitation (PDF)