Information for State Agencies
The following information is for use by State Medicaid Agencies and State Administering Agencies in fulfilling State-level responsibilities for operating PACE programs. The Readiness Review is to be conducted by the State Administering Agency, while the State Plan Amendment is to be submitted to CMS by the State Medicaid Agency. The State Medicaid Agency may or may not be the State Administering Agency.
PACE State Readiness Review Tool - Modified 10/2003
This State Readiness Review Tool, found in the link below, was developed by CMS to be used by State Administering Agencies to perform the readiness review of non-operational PACE organization applicants.
This file is in zipped Rich Text Format so States can download a writeable version for use.
CMS PACE State Readiness Review Public Notifications
There are two links below to letters distributed to all State Administering Agencies regarding Readiness Review requirements. The first of these links is for the November 2, 2000 letter from CMS to all PACE State Administering Agencies releasing the review tool, and the second is the link to the July 19, 2002 letter from CMS informing all PACE State Administering Agencies of a policy change in the readiness review process.
PACE State Plan Amendment - Revised as of September 10, 2001
Revised suggested pre-print pages are included below, in a zipped rich text format file for use by State Medicaid Agencies in amending Section 3.1(a)(1) and (2) to elect PACE. (These revised pages should be used in conjunction with the November 9, 2000 State Medicaid Directors’ letter releasing the original suggested pre-print.) CMS is available for technical assistance to States desiring to modify their State Plan at this time.
November 2, 2000 Letter (PDF) -
Readiness Review Tool (ZIP) -
July 19, 2002 Letter (PDF) -
SPA Pre-Print (ZIP) -
November 9, 2000 SMD (PDF)