LTSS Webinar Archive
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Administration on Aging (AoA, a part of the Administration for Community Living), and Indian Health Service (IHS) are conducting a series of webinars addressing long-term services and supports (LTSS) across the age-span. The purpose of the webinars is to share knowledge and promising practices in the field and build an ongoing dialogue among tribal, IHS, and Urban Indian health programs engaged in delivery of long-term services and supports for American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. The audience includes Title VI grantees, IHS, tribal, urban Indian health programs, community health representatives, and tribal program staff engaged in the delivery of long-term services and supports.
Webinar Format
- 20-30 minutes, general presentation
- 10-20 minutes, presentation from an example tribal system
- 20-30 minutes, Q&A and discussion
Webinars will take place the fourth Wednesday of every month from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET.
Please reference the chart below for your location’s call-in time:
Time | Zone |
8:00 a.m. | HADT |
10:00 a.m. | AKDT |
11:00 a.m. | PDT |
11:00 a.m. | AZ |
12:00 p.m. | MDT |
1:00 p.m. | CDT |
2:00 p.m. | EDT |
2013 Webinars
July 24: We:sijc t-we:m "Everybody Together": GEC / Tribal Partnerships
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss the benefits of Native Nation and Geriatric Education Center (GEC) partnerships, and provide examples of linkages.
- Describe the Tohono "O'odham Archie Hendricks SR. Skilled Nursing Facility We:sijc t-we:m "Everybody Together" quality improvement and educational program, as an exemplar.
- Discuss the benefits and steps of creating a Native Nation Long Term Services Learning Community for Nursing Home Educators/ DONs.
Presented By:
- Jane Mohler, NP-C, MPH, PhD
- Deborah J Dyjak RN, BSN, MS
June 26: Desert Pathways: Helping Tohono O'odham have quality of life as they near then end of their life journey.
Learning Objectives:
- Review the history of the development of hospice and palliative care services on the Tohono O’odham Nation.
- Discuss cultural and logistics factors that may define what services are needed/desired at end of life.
- Discuss the importance of having educational support to make informed care decisions.
Presented By:
- Lee Olitzky, program administrator
- Dorothy Low, RN, ANP-C, program manager
- Charlene Conde, CNA Home Health Aide
- Mark Joaquin, Jr, MSW, social worker
May 22: Gila River Indian Community: The Caring House — Development of an Adult Day Program
Learning Objectives:
- Identify recruitment strategies for adult day services.
- Identify program impact for participants, families, and community.
- Identify the challenges and strengths to developing and providing adult day services in a culturally relevant and respectful manner.
Presented By:
- Liz Antone, Pattie King, and Mark Klein (Administrator)
April 24: Home and Community-Based Services for Native Elders: Pathway to CHR Targeted Case Management at Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Learning Objectives:
Elders and people with disabilities will increase their ability to:
- "Age in place"
- Maintain connections to family, community, and traditions
- Contribute to the community
- Have their preferences honored
Presented By:
- John Eagle Shield, Director of Community Health Representative (CHR) Program, Standing Rock Sioux Tribe (SRST)
- Elaine Keeps Eagle, Administrative Assistant for the SRST CHR Program
- Chris Burd, Tribal Community Health Consultant & Trainer
March 27: Oneida Nation Elder Services: Cultural Adaptations to a Chronic Disease Self-Management Program
Learning Objectives:
- How does the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program work in Indian County?
- What are the changes to Chronic Disease Self-Management Program curriculum?
- How is the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program accessed?
- Who benefits from the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program?
Presented By:
- Anne Hvizdak, Public Health Educator, Statewide Coordinator Evidence Based Prevention Programs, Office on Aging - Wisconsin Department of Health Services
February 27: ACL and Intertribal Council of Arizona: The Long Term Care Ombudsman Program
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the services provided by States’ Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs
- What are the services?
- Who do long-term care ombudsmen serve?
- Understand how these services can be accessed
- Where a tribe would like access to the service from the State
- Where an individual lives in a facility off tribal lands
- Explore opportunities for ombudsman programs to increase or improve culturally competent ombudsman services to American Indians living in long-term care facilities
- Hear some examples of a tribal ombudsman program from Tiffany Yazzie at the Intertribal Council of Arizona
Presented By:
- Louise Ryan, Ombudsman Program Specialist, Office of LTCO Programs and Tiffany Yazzie, Independent Living Support Program Specialist, ITCA, Area Agency on Aging, Region 8
February 6: Special LTSS Webinar – CMS Money Follows the Person (MFP) Tribal Initiative
Dr. Yuskauskas will review the information contained in the recently released MFP Tribal Initiative request, which offers existing MFP state grantees and tribal partners the necessary resources to build sustainable, community-based, long-term services and supports (LTSS) for Indian Country.
Through a supplemental budget request to their existing MFP grants, states and their tribal partners may use the MFP Tribal Initiative to address disparities, improve access, and advance the development of the infrastructure required to implement Medicaid community-based LTSS for American Indians and Alaska Natives.
Presented By:
- Anita Yuskauskas, Ph.D., Technical Director for HCBS Quality, CMS
2012 Webinars
November 28: An Overview of Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans, Medicare Marketing Rules, and the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
This presentation will briefly explain what Medicare Advantage and Medicare Prescription Drug plans are and how they work. There will also be a discussion on the marketing rules for these plans. Attendees will gain an understanding of what insurance companies and agents can and cannot do when selling Medicare plans and how beneficiaries can protect themselves from unwanted marketing practices. Finally, there will be an overview of the Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program which uses volunteers to help Medicare beneficiaries protect themselves from Medicare fraud and abuse.
Presented By:
- Rebecca Kinney, SMP Program Manager, Administration for Community Living and Josh Hodges, SMP Program Manager, Administration for Community Living
October 24: REACH VA: Support for Dementia Caregivers
Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregivers Health (REACH) VA is an award-winning, evidence-based program to assist stressed and burdened caregivers. The REACH intervention has been tested nationally by the National Institute on Aging, the National Institute for Nursing Research, and the Department of Veterans Affairs for dementia caregivers. Learn about this exciting program and resources available and discuss Alzheimer's disease in Indian Country.
Presented By:
- Linda Olivia Nichols, PhD, Caregiver Center, Caregiver Support Program and Memphis Veterans Affairs Medical Center
September 26: Becoming a Federally Qualified Health Center: What, Why, and Can You Support It?
Becoming a federally qualified health center (FQHC) offers an opportunity to build the capacity of a tribe, provide an additional revenue stream, and offer needed long term services and supports (LTSS) for elders and persons with disabilities. To address the benefits and challenges of FQHCs, this webinar session will explore the potential of different kinds of FQHCs and how they relate to LTSS and American Indian and Alaska Native communities. It will identify key elements of these services and will describe how two programs successfully addressed the LTSS needs of their communities.
July 25: Case Management, a Tribal Perspective
Tribal involvement in case management: A major step for Tribes to enhance access to Long Term Services and Supports
Access to LTSS includes an assessment of financial eligibility as well as an assessment of an elder's ability to perform activities of daily living. The assessment and the ongoing management of the elder's services are the responsibility of the case manager. Learn more about case management and how it can work in your community.
Presented By:
- Shelly Zylstra, Planning Director, Northwest Regional Council
June 27: Elder Justice in Indian Country
This webinar will focus on the often hidden problem of elder abuse and neglect in Indian Country, and what you should do if you are concerned that someone you know is being abused.
Elder Abuse does happen in Indian Country, but we really have no idea how big the problem is because there is little research on elder abuse in general, and none on elder abuse in Indian Country. It is even difficult to agree on what constitutes abuse; or what many indigenous elders would describe as disrespect.
Recognizing abuse is difficult because many elders suffer in silence. Yet, all of us working with Tribal Elders need to watch for warning signs, and to be prepared to intervene on behalf of the elder when appropriate.
The webinar will also provide information about the National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative (NIEJI), which has been established to examine this growing crisis. It is funded by the Administration on Aging (AoA) and is housed at the Center for Rural Health, The University of North Dakota. NIEJI’s mission is to restore respect and dignity by honoring our Indigenous elders.
May 23: The Tohono O’odham Nursing Care Authority - Archie Hendricks Sr., Skilled Nursing Facility and the Tohono O’odham Hospice: A Model of Tribally Based Skilled Nursing and Hospice Care
Developing and operating a tribally based skilled nursing facility and hospice, certified by Medicare, is a major challenge and undertaking in and of itself. However, creating these programs is only the first step; successful multiyear operation and model program development are much greater challenges.
April 25: The Greenhouse Project Webinar
The Green House Project is a radically new, national model for skilled nursing care that returns control, dignity, and a sense of well-being to elders, their families, and direct care staff. In The Green House model, residents receive care in small, self-contained homes organized to deliver individualized care and meaningful relationships and to improve direct care jobs through a self-managed team of direct care staff working in cross-trained roles.
The Green House Overview Webinar is an opportunity to gain an initial understanding of The Green House model. In today's health care environment, culture change is no longer optional; it is demanded by the consumer and is a mark of good care. Through transformation of the philosophy, environment, and organizational structure, The Green House model is being proven to provide a high quality of life, better jobs, and excellent clinical care, and it is cost neutral to operate! This proven model is growing rapidly across the country.
March 28: Supporting Elders Across Settings: Care Transitions Opportunities and Tribal Organizations
This webinar focuses on preparing the Title VI Grantees and Tribal Organizations to participate in the Community-Based Care Transition Program demonstration (Sec. 3026 of the Affordable Care Act) through use of existing services and grantee infrastructure. This webinar provides an introductory overview of the Community-Based Care Transitions program and funding requirements. Presenters from AoA discuss how the program aligns with the existing mission of the Title VI program and provides opportunities to expand funding and services to elders across settings of care. The presentation also includes a closer look at specific care transitions resources and examples of care transition success stories and potential challenges based on those who have already successfully implemented programs.
February 22: LTSS in Indian Country - Part 2: Home and Community Based Services
A look at the array of services that make up Home and Community Based Services
January 25: LTSS in Indian Country - Part 1: An Overview
A comprehensive overview of long term services and supports paired with a look at one tribal system that has many of the pieces in place