Health Care Innovation Awards: Le Bonheur Community Health and Well Being Project Profile
Project Title: "Le Bonheur's CHAMP Program: Changing High-risk Asthma in Memphis through Partnership"
Geographic Reach: Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee
Funding Amount: $2,896,416
Estimated 3-Year Savings: $4,003,397
Le Bonheur Children's Hospital, Division of Community Health and Well Being and the University of Tennessee Health Science Center are collaborating to serve children with high-risk asthma in Memphis/Shelby County, Tennessee. CHAMP features an asthma registry, a repository of critical information on all CHAMP patients that will be accessed by a variety of providers caring for the patients. Additionally, the registry is a means to document all CHAMP activities, track all elements of the CHAMP monitoring plan, and produce reports for use in the PDSA process. Patients receive medical care and assessment by CHAMP physician sub-specialists. The Community Coordination team, comprised of two Asthma Care Coordinators and 4 Community Health Workers who are supervised by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, provides asthma education; environmental assessment; coordination with schools and child care; and provides help with barriers to asthma management. The final component is the collaboration with the primary care physicians, school health, and other community partners. The self-monitoring aspects of CHAMP are managed by a program evaluator and a data analyst. CHAMP aims to reduce emergency room visits, avoidable hospitalizations, school absence due to asthma, and child deaths due to asthma. Additionally CHAMP seeks to improve school attendance, improve quality of life, and improve the experience of health care, all at a lower cost of care.