Health Care Innovation Awards: Northland Healthcare Alliance Project Profile

Health Care Innovation Awards: Northland Healthcare Alliance Project Profile

Project Title: "Improving health for the elderly in North Dakota one community at a time"
Geographic Reach: North Dakota
Funding Amount: $2,726,216
Estimated 3-Year Savings: $2,966,280


Northland Healthcare Alliance received an award to implement a modified version of the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) model in rural North Dakota. The Alliance will hire and train Community Care Coordinators in seven rural communities who will use a team approach to coordinate the care for the program participants. It will use existing long-term care or assisted living programs and sites to provide coordinated services to the frail elderly. The Northland Care Coordination for Seniors program was developed to keep seniors in the community to live in their home healthier, safer and more independently. The program provides participants, their families, caregivers, and professional health care providers more flexibility to meet health care needs, improve care and the quality of life for those enrolled. The goal of this model is to reduce avoidable admissions to nursing facilities and decrease hospitals stays leading to lower health care costs per person while improving the health and health care for the participants. Over a three-year period, Northland Healthcare Alliance's program will create an estimated eight jobs that include Community Care Coordinators, Data Analyst and Administrative staff for the Northland Care Coordination for Seniors program.

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09/10/2024 06:16 PM