Health Care Innovation Awards: The Curators of the University of Missouri Project Profile

Health Care Innovation Awards: The Curators of the University of Missouri Project Profile


Project Title: "Leveraging Information Technology to Guide High Tech High Touch Care (LIGHT2)"
Geographic Reach: Missouri
Funding Amount: $13,265,444
Estimated 3-Year Savings: $16,950,358


The Curators of the University of Missouri received an award to provide enhanced primary care to Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries receiving primary care within the University of Missouri Health System, many of them chronically ill. The program will use advanced health information technology, evidence-based treatment planning, and a specialized workforce to coordinate care for both patients and the existing health care team. Through support for disease self-management, improved delivery system design, focus on preventive care, and better decision-making tools, the intervention will strengthen primary care, reduce specialist referrals and the need for acute care, and improve patients' health. Over a three-year period, The Curators of the University of Missouri's program will train an estimated 420 workers and will create an estimated 30 jobs. The new workforce will include a project coordinator, a business manager, 3 health information analysts and 18 health care coordinators.

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09/10/2024 06:16 PM