Data Extract System (DESY)

Data Extract System (DESY)

The Data Extract System (DESY) User Interface (UI) has been modernized to improve user experience. This was achieved by converting to a single page web application available through the CMS Enterprise Portal. DESY allows authorized users to enter requests for data from various CMS data repositories. A user can only request data within the guidelines of their Data Use Agreement (DUA) through the Enterprise Privacy Policy Engine (EPPE). In addition to an approved DUA, a valid EUA ID, and the DESY job code are required to access the application.

Enterprise Privacy Policy Engine (EPPE)

This web page provides an overview of CMS Data Use Agreements (DUAs) as well extending, closing, changing the Requester, and adding/removing Custodians from a DUA. /Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Files-for-Order/Data-Disclosures-Data-Agreements/DUA-Contractors

For any issues or questions regarding DUAs, send your requests via e-mail to

Privacy Information

Please visit /privacy to keep current about changes affecting DUAs.

DESY User Information

Before you begin working with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Data Extract System (DESY), complete the following tasks to be granted access to the system:

    1. Users should have an approved DUA in EPPE.
    2. Submit a request to the Enterprise User Administration (EUA) system for the DESY_P_User role.
    3. Once the role has been approved, go to
    4. Log into DESY with your EUA ID and password.

Note: Although CMS supports all web browsers, Google Chrome and Firefox are recommended.

Finder File Information

  • Finder File Limits:
    • Hican finder files – 3,000,000 records
    • Non-Hican finder files – 150,000 records
    • Cross Reference finder files – 3,500,000 records
  •  EXCEPTIONS are files used for:
    • RRB to HICAN conversion
    • HICAN to RRB conversion
    • SSN to HICAN conversion
    • HICAN to MBI conversion
    • MBI to HICAN conversion 
  • Zip Code Finder Files: 5-digit zip code finder files must contain a Wild Card in the 6th position of each zip code.


  • Wild Cards in Selection Criteria
  • DESY allows the use of a "wild card" represented by an asterisk (*). When encountered, the wild card tells DESY to search for values that begin with the same values as those prior to the asterisk. (e.g., 123* looks at the first three bytes for a match on 123.)
  • **Wild cards are not allowed in HICAN and MBI values

SAS and Cobol Copylibs

We have provided links to the SAS and COBOL copylibs on this DESY Website. The copylibs are also available on the CMS Mainframe in the following libraries:

    • SAS – ‘PROD.SAS.LIB’

(DESY copylib members begin with ‘DSY’.)

Note: The COBOL copylibs and SAS copylibs in the downloads section is intended to serve as a reference. The DESY team is not able to provide technical support in working with the SAS and COBOL input statement.


For questions regarding the DESY application, please contact the support mailbox.


Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:06 PM