District of Columbia Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

District of Columbia Health Insurance Marketplace Grants Awards List

District of Columbia has received multiple grant awards to build its Health Insurance Marketplace. This includes a Planning Grant, two Level One Establishment Grants, and a Level Two Establishment Grant.

Summaries of the District of Columbia's applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level Two Application Summary


Administrator: District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance
Award Amount: $72,985,333
Award Date: September 27, 2012
Application Due Date: August 15, 2012
Supplement Award: $16,969,089 (June 13, 2013)

Level of Funding: Level Two

Summary: The District of Columbia is receiving a Level Two award to provide assistance to hire staff and consultants to manage activities related to the creation and first year of operations for testing and enhancement of the Exchange. In addition, a substantial portion of the requested funding will be used to develop an IT system that facilitates critical Exchange functions including eligibility, enrollment, and information exchange among individuals, employers, insurance carriers, and state and federal government agencies.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $16,969,089 (June 13, 2013)

Summary: District of Columbia will use the level two grant supplement to support consumer and stakeholder engagement and eligibility and enrollment activities.  These funds will support more in-person assisters and cover market research including messaging and branding for small business, as well as one-on-one conversations, town hall style meetings and webinars for more outreach and education efforts.  Additionally, the funds will support advertising such as broadcast TV, internet, radio, print and billboard type advertisements and individual and SHOP eligibility appeals

Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary

Grantee of Record: District of Columbia Health Benefit Exchange Establishment
Amount Awarded
:  $22,057,941
Award Date:  December 22, 2014
Application Due Date:  November 14, 2014
Supplement Amount: $5,692,165 (December 22, 2014)

Administrator: District of Columbia Department of Health Care Finance
Award Amount: $8,200,716; $34,418,790; $25,832,931
Award Date: August 12, 2011; October 23, 2013; July 25, 2014
Application Due Date: June 30, 2011; August 15, 2013; May 15, 2014
Supplement Amount: $7,984,187 (May 12, 2014)

Summary: Washington, DC will use its Level One Establishment Grant Funds continue and complete current planning and implementation efforts that would enable the District to establish a certified and functioning exchange by January 2014. The District estimates that approximately 225,000 of the District's residents are expected to utilize District Exchange Services. The District's Exchange project development staff has been working to establish a planning and requirements gathering framework for designing an Exchange that is representative of the unique health insurance needs of District residents and that reflects the preferences of stakeholders. This Level One funding will leverage the data, information and indicators gathered in the preliminary planning effort into a comprehensive project design document to be used to stand up the exchange in Level Two.

The District of Columbia’s second Level One Establishment grant will be used to evaluate the implementation of the District’s consumer assistance programs, build a quality rating system, and support upgrades to the DC Health Link IT system.  

DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority is serving residents across the District of Columbia and is working towards key improvements.  Specific projects to be completed in this request include: features to support SHOP enrollment; newly identified user and operational support functions; filling identified IT automation gaps, business capability; security; EDI; and IT Infrastructure, and extending the functionality of Release 1.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $5,692,165 (December 22, 2014)

Summary:  The District of Columbia will use the level one grant supplement to enhance the marketplace’s IT systems and consumer engagement efforts.  The District of Columbia will provide resources for temporary staffing to resolve consumer complaints/casework, data analyst salaries and benefits, hardware, software and operational support for the Contact Center, enterprise architecture documentation and recovery, IV&V and quality management services, IRS reporting, facilities and equipment.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $7,984,187 (May 12, 2014)

Summary:  The District of Columbia will use the level one grant supplement to enhance the marketplace’s IT systems.  The District of Columbia will provide resources for project management/business analysts, functional design team, developers, QA/TEST, COTS product SMEs, QA Lead, ALM test script engineers, QA Analysts, and testers.

State Planning Grant


Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Department of Health Care Finance

Amount Awarded: $1,000,000

  • Conduct research and assess the District's insurance marketplace, identifying coverage gaps.
  • Identify requirements for Exchange implementation.
  • Conduct an analysis of the viability of available models, including cost-benefit analysis.
  • Identify potential Exchange partners.
  • Develop policy, operational, and infrastructure recommendations for implementing the Exchange and requisite modifications to the Medicaid and other related public programs.
  • Establish implementation timelines and work plans.
  • Develop a final report summarizing information and findings resulting from the completion of grant activities.

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09/10/2024 06:11 PM