Illinois Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants Awards List

Illinois Affordable Insurance Exchange Grants Awards List

Illinois has received four grant awards to build its Affordable Insurance Exchange - Opens in a new window . This includes a Planning Grant and four Level One Establishment Grants.

Summaries of Illinois’ applications for each grant are provided below:


Establishment Grant Level One Application Summary

Grantee of Record:  Illinois Department of Insurance
Amount Awarded:  $10,089,170
Award Date:  December 22, 2014
Application Due Date:  November 14, 2014
Level of Funding:  Level One

The State of Illinois received funding to continue the establishment of its consumer assistance functions. Illinois will retain and build on its current regional outreach program to help individuals and families across all of Illinois to enroll in the Marketplace.

Administrator: Illinois Department of Insurance
Award Amount: $5,128,454, $32,789,377, $115,823,521
Award Date: August 12, 2011; May 16, 2012; April 8, 2013
Application Due Date: June 30, 2011; March 30, 2012; February 15, 2013
Level of Funding: Level One

Summary: Illinois will use its resources provided by the Affordable Care Act to conduct additional Exchange research that will examine issues related to Risk-Adjustment/Reinsurance, Navigator Function, Certification of Qualified Health Plans, and SHOP Exchange. The state will build upon the Governor’s Health Reform Website where Stakeholders can offer their input. The state also plans on developing an Exchange Education Toolkit that it will make available both in print and online. To address Exchange IT Systems, the state will begin to design both the business requirements of the Exchange and IT detailed design for Illinois-specific aspects of the Exchange infrastructure. The state will also hire a fulltime employee for the Exchange who will manage the various fiscal responsibilities.

Illinois submitted a second Level One Establishment grant for funding to support the design, building, establishment, and maintenance of an Illinois American Health Benefits Exchange (IL HIX). Illinois will use these requested funds to set up an HIX Design Management Team, to continue development of a Consumer Assistance Portal, and to continue development of a Navigator Education and Training Program. Funds will also be used to hire an HIX Systems Integration Vendor, Integrated Eligibility System (IES) Project Management Office staff, and an IES vendor. Illinois will also continue analyses of the Essential Health Benefits program; the actuarial value, cost sharing, and quality of participating insurance plans; and the federal-state partnership option.

Illinois’ third Level One Establishment Grant will fund State Partnership Marketplace activities through 2013 and 2014.  Activities and deliverables during this period will include the state’s recommendation of Qualified Health Plans through the Plan Management Partnership and, under the Consumer Assistance Partnership, operation of the In-Person Assister program, oversight of the Navigator program, and efforts to raise awareness of the Health Insurance Marketplace and In-Person Assistance programs through branding and outreach. Simultaneously, the State will continue with work to implement a State-Based Marketplace for plan year 2015, and is utilizing funding for system implementation costs not covered under previous grants.


State Planning Grant

Awarded September 30, 2010

Administrator: Illinois Department of Insurance

Amount Awarded: $1,000,000

Award Supplement: $71,784 (October 5, 2011)

  • Conduct comprehensive review of the status of health coverage in Illinois.
  • Develop structure and timeline for implementation of an Exchange that follows recommendations of Health Reform Implementation Council.
  • Assess resources needed for the implementation of an Exchange.
  • Confer with State agencies about Exchange infrastructure.
  • Involve stakeholders to ensure transparency.
  • Draft legislation that will enable an Exchange.
  • Perform strategic planning on the operational, financial, technical requirements to sustain an Exchange.
  • Needs Assessment project related to the Basic Health Program (BHP) option.

Administrative Supplement Award Amount: $71,784 (December 22, 2011)

Summary:  Illinois will use these supplemental funds to account for an under budgeting associated with portions of the Needs Assessment project that is needed to accurately model the impact of a Basic Health Program in Illinois. Additional research is necessary in order to understand the impact of recently issued and forthcoming federal guidance on the assumptions incorporated into the current Needs Assessment.

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09/06/2023 05:05 PM