Archived Information

Archived Information

This page is for postings and downloads that appeared on the Post Acute Care Quality Initiatives section in the past but are not currently applicable. Items are archived for historical reference .CMS provides the following materials for the public to access.

February 19, 2015

Long-term and Post-Acute Providers are invited to participate in a voluntary survey to help CMS understand the role technology is playing in the delivery of health care services in these settings. This survey helps identify the benefits and challenges providers encounter when participating in CMS programs that promote health care interoperability.
• Survey period: February 17, 2015 to March 3, 2015
• To access survey, click the link or paste it into your web browser: 

January 13, 2015

New Page! We have added a new page to this website to provide information pertaining to cross-setting measures, including those associated with the IMPACT Act of 2014. This new page will undergo further development over time.

December 2014:

New Page! We have added a new page to this website to provide information pertaining to cross-setting pressure ulcer quality measurement and information pertaining to pressure ulcer mitigation. This page provides detailed reports pertaining to measure maintenance efforts surrounding CMS quality measure (National Quality Forum [NQF] #06780 Percent of Residents or Patients with Pressure Ulcers that are New or Worsened (short-stay).

June 19, 2013

• Post-Acute Care Payment Reform Demonstration and information on CARE and B-CARE have been provided on a page dedicated to information related to CARE.
• Reports related to analysis of functional status data using CARE item set have been provided on a page dedicated to function.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:08 PM