Montana Rate Review Grants Award List
Montana Rate Review Grants Award List
Cycle I Grant Application Summary
Montana Grantee: Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurances
Award Date: August 16, 2010
Award Amount: $1,000,000
- Pursue Additional Legislative Authority: Currently, the Commissioner of Securities and Insurance (CSI) has limited authority to review health insurance premium increases. The Commissioner intends to draft a bill to present to the legislature in 2011 that will grant the CSI review and approval authority over major medical health insurance rates.
- Expand the Scope of the Review Process: Currently, individual market carriers are not required to file health insurance premiums. Small group market carriers must file actuarial certification that rating rules are in compliance with Montana law. The State will seek to obtain authority to require all major medical health insurance rates to be filed, reviewed and approved in all markets.
- Improve the Review Process: Montana does not have any legal authority requiring major medical rates to be filed with or reviewed by CSI. The proposed rate filing law will provide review and approval authority and enable CSI to enforce all rating protections that exist in the Affordable Care Act. If Montana is not granted additional authority by the legislature, grant funds will be used to improve enforcement of its existing rating laws and new Federal laws; expand targeted market conduct examinations and complete more in-depth analysis of small group actuarial certifications; develop rating manuals; and enhance consumer protections.
- Increase Transparency and Accessibility: The proposed legislation will provide for a consumer comment period and permit consumers to request public hearings. CSI will also provide detailed health insurance premium information, such as health insurance premium increase requests and rating trends, in a consumer-friendly format on its website.
- Develop and Upgrade Technology: Montana will collect additional filing data and establish a data center to compile and publish fee schedule information.
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09/10/2024 06:11 PM