Health Equity Webinars

A minority man and woman looking at paperwork and smiling
A chat bubble with an image of a farmhouse behind a tilled field

November 2024

CMS OMH National Rural Health Day Webinar

In this one-hour webinar, hear from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) as we celebrate National Rural Health Day webinar. In collaboration with one of the 2024 CMS Health Equity Awardees, August Health. This webinar focuses on recent updates within CMS OMH, highlights key resources, and provides an in-depth look at Augusta Health's recent initiatives in health equity and community outreach.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).

graphic of scales

October 2024

CMS National Hispanic Heritage Month Webinar

In this one-hour webinar, hear from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) for the National Hispanic Heritage Month celebration in collaboration with one of the 2024 CMS Health Equity Awardees, Latino Connection. This webinar focuses on recent updates within CMS, highlights key resources, and provides an in-depth look at Latino Connection’s recent initiatives in health equity and community outreach as told by their Founder and CEO, George Fernandez.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).

graphic of scales

June 2024

Health Care Workforce and Health Equity Inclusion Virtual Forum

CMS OMH, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control Office of Health Equity (CDC OHE), hosted the Health Care Workforce and Health Equity Inclusion Virtual Forum on June 12, 2024, to highlight how each organization is working to address challenges impacting our health care workforce and health equity inclusion.

The forum included presentations from Dr. Joel Weissman of Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Harvard University and Dr. Joy Lewis of the American Hospital Association highlighting their recent study of health equity officers to understand how hospitals are addressing the effects of health disparities.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).*

Dialogue box with scales of justice in the middle and play button in the corner

June 2023

Minority Research Grant Program Application Assistance Webinar

On June 26, 2023, CMS OMH hosted a webinar to share information about the 2023 notice of funding opportunity. Past grantee, Dr. Veronica Ajewole PharmD from Texas Southern University, shared her experience applying to the program and answered questions from potential applicants.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).


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March 2023

The Path Forward: Improving Data to Advance Health Equity Solutions Webinar

CMS OMH hosted the Improving Data to Advance Health Equity Solutions Webinar on March 7, 2023, to highlight the current state of health equity data collection, including progress to date and the actions that are being taken to improve health equity data collection across CMS and beyond. 

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).

graphic of a home

November 2022

National Rural Health Day Webinar

CMS OMH hosted a National Rural Health Day Webinar on November 15 to discuss the Agency’s commitment to rural, frontier, Tribal, geographically isolated populations. The webinar also highlighted the recently released CMS Framework for Advancing Health Care in Rural, Tribal, and Geographically Isolated Communities.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).

graphic of scales

June 2022

Minority Research Grant Program Partner Meeting

On June 22, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health (CMS OMH) hosted a webinar for partner organizations to share information about their Minority Research Grant Program, the 2022 notice of funding opportunity, and the application process.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).

Dialogue box with scales of justice in the middle and play button in the corner

April 2022

Health Equity Symposium

CMS OMH hosted a Health Equity Symposium on April 28, 2022 to discuss how CMS is operationalizing health equity across all its programs including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and the Health Insurance Marketplaces.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) and transcript (PDF).

Dialogue box with band-aids in the middle and play button in the corner

December 2021

Pediatric Vaccine Partner Webinar

CMS OMH and the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign hosted a webinar for pediatricians and partner organizations to highlight newly released recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5-11.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) from the presentation.

Dialogue box with virus in the middle and play button in the corner

November 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Webinar for Rural Communities

In recognition of the National Rural Health Day observance, CMS OMH hosted a webinar for rural providers and partner organizations to share federal policies and resources related to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) from the presentation.

graphic of covid-19 virus representation

May 2021

Building COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence Webinar

CMS OMH, along with guest speakers from the FDA and CDC, hosted a webinar on May 13 to provide information and resources to help address vaccine hesitancy in your community.

Watch the recording and download the slide deck (PDF) from the presentation.

Download the supplemental handout (PDF) for information and outreach materials you can use to educate your community about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Download the Vaccinate with Confidence fact sheet (PDF) to learn about CDC tools and technical assistance available to state and territorial health departments to increase COVID-19 vaccine confidence and uptake.

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April 2021

The Road to Equity: Examining Structural Racism in Health Care

During National Minority Health Month, CMS OMH hosted a two-day virtual forum to highlight CMS’s renewed focus on health equity, address structural racism in health care, and establish federal agencies’ roles as equity partners. Guest speakers from various federal and partner agencies shared their insight and experience during the forum, focusing on the impact of COVID-19 on health disparities as well as solutions to promote equity.

Watch the recording and download the transcript (PDF) from Day 1.

Watch the recording and download the transcript (PDF) from Day 2.

graphic of a home

June 2019

Maternal Health Care in Rural Communities Forum

CMS OMH held a forum, "A Conversation on Maternal Health Care in Rural Communities: Charting a Path to Improved Access, Quality and Outcomes," on June 12, 2019 to provide an overview of the state of maternal health care in rural communities, with a focus on access to maternal health services before, during, and after pregnancy.

Watch the forum.

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April 2018

Forum on Opioids: Strategies and Solutions for Minority Communities

CMS OMH in collaboration with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration hosted a partner webinar to provide information and resources that Coverage to Care (C2C) partners can use to help consumers understand their health care coverage and use it for behavioral health.

Watch the forum.

graphic of scales

November 2016

Solutions to Reduce Disparities: CMS Equity Plan for Medicare One Year Later

CMS OMH held the "Solutions to Reduce Disparities: CMS Equity Plan for Medicare One Year Later" webinar to highlight how health equity was embedded across policies and programs during the first year of implementing the CMS Equity Plan for Improving Quality in Medicare. This webinar featured new health equity resources and tools developed by CMS OMH to help professionals implement sustainable actions to improve the quality of care for Medicare enrollees at increased risk.

Watch the webinar.

graphic representation of a house

October 2016

CMS Rural Health Solutions Summit

The CMS Rural Health Solutions Summit was held on October 19, 2016 at CMS Headquarters in Baltimore, MD. The Summit brought together stakeholders from all sectors of the health care industry for in-depth discussions about ways to improve access to care in rural communities and to support local solutions and innovation in care delivery.

Watch the Morning Session.

Watch the Afternoon Session 1.

Watch the Afternoon Session 2.

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01/10/2025 11:00 AM