Medicaid and CHIP

Medicaid and CHIP

What is covered under Medicaid? What health coverage options are available for children? Who is eligible? These flyers and fact sheets, public service announcements (PSAs), and videos explain the basics of Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), including special benefits for American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs).

PSAs, Ads, and Radio Spots

Public service announcements (PSAs) and radio spots provide more information on the ACA and how it benefits tribal communities. PSAs and radio spots are available in English and 10 Native languages on the Outreach & Education Native Language PSA Archive.

Newsletter – Covering Indian Country

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See past issues of the newsletter.

Brochures and Fact Sheets

AI/AN Communities

10 Important Facts about IHS & Health Insurance (PDF) (3.4MB)

AI/AN Long Term Services and Supports (PDF) (584KB)

AI/AN Medicaid Enrollment Fact Sheet Customization Guide (PDF)(1.3MB)

AI/AN Medicaid Enroll Any Time Flyer – Boy on Bike (PDF) (507KB)

AI/AN Medicaid Enroll Any Time Flyer – Family (PDF) (477KB)

AI/AN Medicaid Enroll Any Time Flyer – Mom & Daughter (PDF) (507KB)

AI/AN Medicaid Enroll Any Time Flyer – Young Man (PDF) (426KB)

AI/AN Trust Income and MAGI Fact Sheet (PDF) (2 MB)

Bringing Better HealthCare to Native Communities (PDF) (1.8MB)

Health Care Off the Reservation (PDF) (906KB)

Information for AI/ANs Applying for Coverage (PDF) (195KB)

Native Communities Can Heal (PDF) (2.1MB)

Tribal Glossary brochure (PDF) (502KB)

Family Health

Children's Health Checklist (PDF) (1.5MB)

Children's Health Insurance Plan Basics (PDF) (2.57MB)

Coverage for New Moms and New Babies (PDF) (477KB)

Off to College? Don't forget Your Health Care (PDF) (1,5MB)

Health Journey Factsheet (PDF) (1.7MB)

Healthy Students Promising Futures (PDF) (738KB)

Vaccinations for children and adults factsheet (PDF) (1.4MB)

Women's Health Checklist (PDF) (914KB)

Insurance Basics

Coverage to Care brochure (PDF) (PDF)(670KB)

CMS Programs At A Glance (PDF) (999KB)

Dental Health for Adults (PDF) (326KB)

Dental Health for Children (PDF) (952KB)

Diabetes Care & Health Coverage (PDF) (342KB)

Essential Health Benefits (PDF) (2.4MB)

Medicaid Basics (PDF) (573KB)

Medicaid/CHIP Pocket Card (PDF) (329KB)

Medicaid Estate Recovery (PDF) (206KB)

Medicare Savings Programs (PDF) (383KB)

Medicare & Medicaid Benefits for People with Dementia (PDF) (273KB)

Support for Veterans (PDF) (501KB)

Understanding Cost Sharing (PDF) (341KB)

Your Third Party at Work Poster (PDF) (769 KB)


Partners in Health; Creating Healthy Communities Video thumbnail of Partners in Health; Creating Healthy Communities

Developed for tribal communities and tribal clinic waiting rooms, this video encourages building partnerships to make sure families know about opportunities for insurance offered by Medicaid, CHIP, and the Health Insurance Marketplace. (3:00)

Medicaid & CHIP:  Working Together for Our Children for Our Future


Video thumbnail of Medicaid & CHIP:  Working Together for Our Children for Our Future

Developed for tribal communities and tribal clinic waiting rooms, this video encourages families to enroll in Medicaid and CHIP programs. (11:29)

Our Health, Our Community Medicare: Medicaid and CHIP Outreach to AI/ANs


A video thumbnail of Our Health, Our Community Medicare: Medicaid and CHIP Outreach to AI/ANs

Developed for AI/AN enrollment, this video encourages tribal communities to enroll in Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs.

Order Materials

Visit the CMS tribal resource ordering page to order resources for your community directly from the CMS warehouse. The resource list is updated monthly as more products are added. Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be completed.

Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:21 PM