Navajo PSAs

Navajo PSAs

CMS works with Native Navajo speakers to translate public service announcements (PSAs) about Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and the Marketplace for community members who may not speak English.



Flu Prevention (December 2022)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Enroll in health care coverage. (November 2022)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Domestic Violence (October 2022)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Insure a Healthy School Year (August 2022)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Powwow Season is Back (July 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Medicaid Renewal Letter (June 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Prenatal Services (May 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

CMS Programs Helping to Manage Diabetes (April 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Support your Health Care Team (March 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Children's Dental Health (February 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Telehealth (January 2022) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


The Gift of Good Medicine (December 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Open Enrollment (November 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Flu/Community Immunity (October 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Back-to-School Checklist (August 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Protect Young Athletes (July 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Father (June 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Check-up (May 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

You Aren't Alone (April 2021) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Marketplace Enrollment (March 2021)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

2021 Health Goals (January 2021) 
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


Family Medical History (December 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Early Detection of Breast Cancer (October 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Wear a mask: Save a life (August 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Protecting your health (July 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Summer Safety (June 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Mental Health (May 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Children’s Welfare (April 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Cancer Screenings (March 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Your heart beats beyond you. (February 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Keep Active in Winter (January 2020)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


Healthy living is traditional living. (December 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Enrollment is open! (November 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Get it. Use it. Stay healthy. (October 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Are your vaccines up to date? (August 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

It's powwow season (July 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Men, stay strong (June 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Are you Hepatitis C aware? (May 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Insurance has you covered—body, mind, and spirit (April 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

March 26 is American Diabetes Association Alert Day (March 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Keep Your Kid's Smile Healthy (February 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Healthy Children, Healthy Nations (January 2019)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


Healthy holidays! (December 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

It's time to "insure" your family's health (November 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

"Fall back" and plan ahead (October 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Get in gear for a great year (August 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Don’t let diabetes stop you (July 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Hello Sunshine (June 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Your family is unique (May 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Get outside and get fit for spring (April 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

New Medicare cards protect your health and your identity (March 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Get help for alcohol and drug addiction (February 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Jumpstart the new year with health insurance (January 2018)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


Health is a Gift (December 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Young Adults Need Insurance, Too (November 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Medicaid Keeps Kids Healthy (October 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Pop Quiz! Do your Children have Health Insurances (August 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Beat the Heat of High Medical Costs (July 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Fathers - Make Sure Your Children Have Health Coverage (June 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Coverage for Healthy Moms and Babies (May 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Insurance keeps Children Healthy (April 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Filing for the Indian Tax Exemption (March 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Heart Healthy Native Women Starts With Me (February 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Start the New Year Right with Health Insurance (January 2017)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


Look to the Future (December 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Enroll Now (November 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (October 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Insurance Matters to You and Your Community (August 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud

Bumps and Bruises Won't Stop Your Summer Fun (July 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Keep Your Family Healthy (June 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Mental Health Coverage (May 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Coverage when Injury Strikes (April 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Claiming an Indian Exemption on Your Taxes (March 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud

Insurance and Heart Health (February 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube

Raina Thiele on Health Insurance (January 2016)
Audio on SoundCloud
Video on YouTube


Insurance and Diabetes Care (December 2015)
Audio on SoundCloud

Open Enrollment (November 2015)
Audio on SoundCloud

Breast Cancer Awareness (October 2015)
Audio on SoundCloud

Future Grandparents (September 2015)
Audio on SoundCloud

Visit the CMS tribal resource ordering page to order resources for your community directly from the CMS warehouse. The resource list is updated monthly as more products are added. Please allow 2 weeks for your order to be completed.


Page Last Modified:
09/10/2024 06:23 PM